Five years ago today, Ray and I started a little anime website called “Scattered Cels.” It became “Anime Diet” in the spring of 2007, hardly missing a beat in the transition, and we’ve been writing, con covering, and growing ever since! Thanks to all the staff, past and present, who helped build this site, and thanks to all of you readers, listeners, and viewers who’ve been supporting us all along. Because of all of you, we are one of the longest surviving anime blogs on the Internet, having long beaten the 2 year curse more than twice over. And we ain’t stopping anytime soon.
There’s still so much we have yet to accomplish, and some much left to do. So join us as we continue our journey forward in love and anime and otakuness. Who knows where we’ll end up as we began our sixth year? There will be ups, and there will be downs. Wherever it is, though, we can’t make it without you. And we hope to see you along the way.
The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
—JRR Tolkien
Congratulations to ourselves! XD
Congrats! Wish you guys many more years to come! I only have one request, bring back the podcasts!
Five years is a long, long time. Here’s to five more 😀
A late and heartfelt congratulation and well wishes for many more years. ^_^
Omedetou-gozaimasu! AnimeDiet rules!
5 years – it’s great 🙂
Thanks for your site and good luck.