My first memorable anime related moment from this year would have to be Katsucon. I already wrote about it here so I won’t repeat myself. Instead I am taking this chance to mention something that occured at said con that was overshadowed previously.
It’s actually a miniscule moment. It lasted maybe ten seconds at most yet, needless to say, it held a lot of significance for me.
It was the first time someone declined my request for a photograph.
I don’t even know what she was cosplaying but the effort was obvious and I wanted to recognize it. She felt apologetic which she shouldn’t have to be. Similar to the cosplay != consent campaign, cosplaying does not automatically obligate one to allow photos. This is why I am really annoyed by those tourists staying at hotels during a con and taking photos from afar. To be fair, they don’t know better but it’s really common courtesy to always ask before taking anyone’s photo. I digress.
I simply said ok, hopefully accompanied with a smile. I didn’t think much of it at the time at all. It wasn’t until sometime afterwards that I realized that it was the first refusal I got and that definitely brought on a smile. I consider it one of the rites of passage as a con attendee. I would wear the moment as a badge.