Tag: otakon 2011
Hirano Aya Concert: Review
Our correspondent and professional photographer Shizuka reviews—and shoots—Hirano Aya’s Otakon concert. Contains excellent photos with a link to even more!
Otakon 2012: Interview with Kakihara Tetsuya
Monsieur LaMoe had a hand in listening to available audio clip, and translating word for word what was spoken by this Japanese seiyuu, so please enjoy, this transcription as Anime Diet heard it.
Otakon 2012: Aya Hirano Interview
The Melancholy of Haruihi Suzumiya remains one of my favorite anime so I was certainly beyond ecstatic to have the opportunity for this interview. I…
Otakon 2012: Gen Urobuchi Fan Panel
Gen Urobuchi entered the stage wearing a gray hoodie zipped all the way up with the hood pulled all the way down so that one…
Otakon 2012: Matsuri
The Otakon Matsuri on Thursday is a spectacular success despite temperatures hovering around a hundred the entire time. The deadly* heat prompted Brent** to proclaim…
Maid Cafe at Otakon 2012
Maid Café is a symbol of all things cute and moe in otaku culture. It is also something that is readily available in Akihabara. How…