MST3K candidates…what do you think?
(from Anime Galleries dot Net A word of explanation for newcomers: we are planning to create downloadable Mystery Science Theater 3000-style commentaries on various…
The delay of MST3K of Kyoshiro…
Hello everyone, For the 2 or less people who have been wondering why we haven’t released our MST3K track officially, let’s just say we’re still…
Megadere (護くんに女神の祝福を!) Episode 2 details/thoughts
Last time on Megadere… We learned that Ayako makes an unlikely confession to a shortie…ah hem, shouta named Mamoru, and we learned that it’s fun…
On Retitling Anime: or, Turning Poetry into Mush
Translation is hard and inexact work, and something always gets lost in the process. I’m conscious of this every time I read Greek and Hebrew…
Megadere (護くんに女神の祝福を!) Episode details/thoughts
(space__________Space) So, again since I’ve got some time, and some people seems to be curious about Megadere, I’ll go ahead and start blogging about it….
Les Miserables – Shoujo Cosette 2
Impressions This shot echoes the famous picture of Cosette from the original edition of the novel, which also became the iconic picture for the musical….