Posted in Anime Reviews

Asatte no Houkou – First Impressions

It looks like somebody in Japan watched Freaky Friday and thought: hey, wouldn’t this actually make a nice serious drama? That’s basically what Asatte no…

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Posted in Editorials

Hello, Otaku! (or Anime Stuff that I Wish Were Real)

So I wake in the morning and I feel absolutely direction-less. Being from a hired translator with a steady but crappy salary to me is…

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Byousoku 5 Cm, Part 1 – the Raw Review

This shot pretty much captures Makoto Shinkai’s essence in a nutshell: light, shadows, gleam, and two kids holding hands. It’s a strange experience, watching anime…

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Posted in Announcements

MST3K candidates…what do you think?

(from Anime Galleries dot Net A word of explanation for newcomers: we are planning to create downloadable Mystery Science Theater 3000-style commentaries on various…

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Posted in Announcements

The delay of MST3K of Kyoshiro…

Hello everyone, For the 2 or less people who have been wondering why we haven’t released our MST3K track officially, let’s just say we’re still…

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Megadere (護くんに女神の祝福を!) Episode 2 details/thoughts

Last time on Megadere… We learned that Ayako makes an unlikely confession to a shortie…ah hem, shouta named Mamoru, and we learned that it’s fun…

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