Yoshiki Press Conference Transcript: Otakon 2014
Yoshiki of X Japan gave a wide ranging press conference at Otakon 2014! Find out more about X Japan’s upcoming Madison Square Garden show, his thoughts about fashion, and more!
Hidenori Matsubara: Interview at Otakon 2014
We had the privilege of interviewing longtime animator, character designer, and animation director Hidenori Matsubara. A longtime colleague of Hideaki Anno, he’s worked on most major…
ALTIMA Concert Otakon 2014
Six hours ago, ALTIMA made a daring promise. The Japanese pop trio, responding to a question of whether they would ever cover a Run DMC…
ALTIMA Press Conference Transcript: Otakon 2014
ALTIMA are a digital J-pop group widely known for making the Shakugan no Shana ED. They are: Maon Kurosaki – vocals – a self-described anime…
How To Muddle A Rebellion: Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013)
Reinterpretation can often be an exciting, yet dicey thing, especially in regards to classic characters. And upon first catching the often breathtaking teasers for Shinji…