Since the summer, this happens to be one show I find myself following, though the jokes do get repetitive and there happens to be a character I want to kick… he’s black and white and not a bird.
Relatively Shiro Kuma Cafe (Polar Bear Cafe) is a series that would get the animal lovers coming out in droves. Or at least viewers who don’t mind talking animals, and like to see anime themes as this.
There’s a robust amount of supporting casts, and snippets of plots mentioned, such as mentioning the fact that the zoo keeper Handa who is a shy man has such a crush on Sasako.
Or for this fujoshi push between Shiro Kuma and Kuro Kuma. Doesn’t that make a heart melt?
Then there is the alpaca..I mean llama, who is pretty popular in Japan if any indication that I see at NYC’s Kinokuniya is an indication. (I see alpacca plushies.) But in the show, his character is an underrated character. Much like Amos in the musical Chicago’s
Still I digress, this series is actually pretty good. If you happen to not be watching it, it is available for free on Crunchyroll.