Yes, Jojo! Ahh, that was too great. The greatest anime from the winter 2013. That was really awesome. It was fantastic. The most interesting anime, and it was definitely the materpiece. Araki Hirohiko sensei is a genius. The writing and drawing and composition, it’s really awesome. Yes, manga from the 80’s Shonen Jump, yes, as great as Fist Of The North Star.

Oh, yes. It ended with the completion of Part 2. Yes, the coolest person is of course, no one can argue that, Robert E. O. Speedwagon. When he was young, he was a street gang boss in London, and he was invincible in the street fight. But until he met Jojo I, and he was badly beaten, but Jojo I was such a gentleman, Speedwagon quit a street fighter and then become a righteous person. Yes, when Elena and Jojo I were making out, Speedwagon made a famous line, “I, Speedwagon, will just leave them quietly with a cool.” Yes, “Speedwagon wa cool ni saruze~.” The most famous line from Jojo. He is indeed very ikemen, blond long hair, with fashionable hat, wearing bootie and tuxedo, but he had a scarface. Probably from the street fights he went through, and that shows his history. Some ex-yakuza church pastor in Japan has a short pinky, and that also tells the history of this pastor. It’s kind of like that, that scar is Speedwagon’s history. And even he becomes an elderly old man, but he is still very cool. He went to America, and then he was successful and became an oil tycoon. He stablished the Speedwagon foundation to help the poor and scholarship to the poor students, such as Smokey Brown, a black kid from Harlem. Too bad Speedwagon died, but 89 years old, it was a long lifespan considering the average lifespan at that time. And he was single through his whole life! Yes, DT! A hope for DT!

And then, Smokey Brown, a black kid from New York, experiencing police brutality, cops were racist, but after studying hard and going to college and majoring in political science, then he became a politician, he ran for office, and he became the first mayor in some city in Georgia. Yes, he was a crying baby, but he became the symbol of the civil rights movement. And during that scene, a lot of otakus were commenting, “It’s Obama!” Yes, Araki-sensei already prophesied the coming of the first black president.

Yes, Part 1 was England. And then Part 2 was America. Yes, just before WWII. Oh Yes, all the characters in Jojo were very cool, that Nazi android, Stroheim was very cool. All characters were likable, even the enemies were cool. And now I want to see Part 3, that is Japan! I want Part 3 animated and all otakus feel the same!
Yup, Terette! Terette (horn section sound of chorus) of the OP. Yes, it’s really cool, the horn section, as great as Earth Wind And Fire. And the chord progress is descending haft step, it’s really cool, the feel of Canto De Ossahna. The coolest OP of that season!