Posted in Editorials

12 Days of Christmas: Love Lab and Soul Sistaas

Our second entry in the 12 days of Christmas series, which we’re doing as a group this year. Ray remembers a moment from Love Lab which really made him laugh.

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Posted in News Reviews

Bridging The Gap: Kill la Kill & The Fabric Of Exploitation

Wintermuted sees that there may be more to Kill La Kill than just spastic fanservice and action. Read his analysis here!

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Posted in Editorials Katsucon

12 Days of Christmas: No Katsucon Cosplay Photograph

Our first entry in the group 12 Days of Christmas series is by The Paper, who remembers a moment from his con coverage earlier this year. A first, if you will.

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Madoka movie part 2, David Bowie-sque labyrinth, 17 forever

2nd Madoka film is completely labyrinth.

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Posted in Reviews

For the Ugly Polyp Who Dreams of Being a JELLYFISH PRINCESS

Jellyfish princess is a tale involving twists, turns, odd trysts, and a really peculiar love triangle. A strong theme of overcoming the past as well…

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Posted in Original Content

Nagi No Asukara, now I adamantly support Free Hugs!

Free Hugs we must promote as holy cause to change the world = 3D.

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