Posted in Music Reviews

Man With A Mission: Live at the Roxy, December 2013

Gendomike attended a live show of Man With a Mission, who are best known for having done the Log Horizon OP “Database.” Did the show rock as hard as promised, wolf masks and all? Read on.

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Posted in Original Content

Inari Konkon Koi Iroha, goddess Uka-sama = Dakini

Inari-sama = Uka-sama = Dakini, the goddess of Otome-game.

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Nagi No Asukara 2nd cours, Kanchou!

New Buddhist school born, enemayana!

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Posted in Reviews

D-fragments, waterboarding is torture

Torture anime, D-Fragments

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Posted in Reviews

Space Dandy = Mind Candy

The first episode of what looks to be the leading candidate for the butt of all anime jokes in 2014 has hit the airwaves. The…

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Posted in Conventions Otakon Vegas

Otakon Vegas 2014: Funimation Panel Liveblog

A live tweet/blog report from the Funimation panel at Otakon Vegas–the first major convention of the year!

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