Space Dandy = Mind Candy

The first episode of what looks to be the leading candidate for the butt of all anime jokes in 2014 has hit the airwaves. The most recent episode is available from Funimation’s website, as well you can catch the series in the USA on Adult Swim’s Toonami line up.


Space Dandy is raunchy, colorful, comes with a discretionary label, has giant monsters, large explosions, and will probably be the bane of every woman sick and tired of female exploitation.


Enjoy, you etchi otaku.

First person to come up with a decent drinking game based on Space Dandy that can be played at after-hours during con season gets a googly eyed frog that you will totally appreciate once you lose enough brain cells from watching this show.

Green Ranger and Uncanny X-Men not included in offer.
Green Ranger and Uncanny X-Men not included in offer.

Warning: this series inspires absurdity.

Author: shika