[flashvideo file=”http://media.animediet.net/video/flv/nabeshin_interview_1.flv” /]
UPDATE: downloadable version now available.
And now, the cream of the crop of our activities at Pacific Media Expo 2009: an exclusive interview with the famous anime director, Nabeshin! He’s directed such gems as Excel Saga, The Wallflower, Puni Puni Poemi, and many other wacked out anime–and his be-afroed persona has been included in countless other anime. Nabeshin is a naturally hilarious fellow and here he shares his thoughts about his afro, possible merchandising for his likeness, and what future plans he might have.
This is only part 1, too! At PMX, Nabeshin was paired up with a very cute mangaka/idol singer named Aoi Kidokoro, and our interview with both of them together will go up tomorrow as part 2. This interview is with Nabeshin alone.
I appreciated watching this but around the 20 minute mark I realised it probably would have been happier and faster just reading a transcript
MB: I thought about doing a transcript too, though that would have taken even longer. I was honestly out of energy at that point. Next time we have an interview though, I’ll seriously consider doing one alongside the video.