Now that the Democratic primary process is over and there is a clear winner, the divided party needs to get back together. And, as we know, the solution has always been becoming anime characters and dancing to a bright, chirpy, techno J-pop-sounding song. They even somehow got Clinton to wear a skirt rather than a pantsuit, which must have been some magic indeed. After this dance, we know the party will be united as one in peace-u, love-u and great justice.
Of course, if you really want a change in Washington, you need to vote for me! Obama may offer “change we can believe in,” but Ikari “Mike” Gendo offers change you will believe in–or else.
HT: Alafista. For actual anime examples of Caramelldansen, see Gundam 00, Clannad, Haruhi, and Code Geass. No actual political endorsement is implied. Except for me, of course.
umm lolz.
They really took the grey out of her hair.