Moritheil まいり (Moritheil respectfully serves notice of arrival)

Fellow otaku!  I’m excited to be joining Anime Diet.  So, how should I introduce myself?  Blood type?  Astrological signs?  Measurements?

Well, to begin with, I’ve posted a list of the anime I’ve seen, and I’ll be updating it over the next few days.  The inquiring mind will find all sorts of juicy and unfortunate statistics there.  More importantly, I can tell you that I intend to review anime, manga, and games, as well as talk about cultural developments along the lines of Densha Otoko (Train Man) or the Lucky Star shrine invasion.

Look forward to it!

Mairi is what we say when arriving at a shrine.  This is an anime shrine!

Author: moritheil

One might be forgiven for thinking that Moritheil is a postmodern literary critic who started reviewing video games in 2001, and spent the early 2000s learning at the right hand of con staff and fansubbers. However, those rumors are spurious: Moritheil is actually a distant relative of Genghis Khan who stands poised to conquer the world via the Internet. Follow along at

12 thoughts on “Moritheil まいり (Moritheil respectfully serves notice of arrival)

  1. Nice list! It’s refreshing to have someone with tastes so entirely different from mine (38.3% compatibility is an all-new low, I think), since I haven’t met anyone like that in a while. Looking forward to your posts whenever you get around to them.

  2. Cool list.   Anybody who watched or is a fan of blame! ups their cool factor by 2001455% in my book : )

    Looking forward to your posts!

  3. Hello and all that. I look forward to reading your posts. Good to see there are people out there with a soft spot for Tylor.

  4. Arg, that picture. I remember Yumeria. One of the first shows I watched that wasn’t really brought over and highly publicized in North America.  Yeck.

  5. Welcome! I sent a friend request on MAL as well, hope you don’t mind. Will you be taking part in the podcast as well?

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