Category: Anime Reviews
Psycho-Pass: Dead On Arrival?
A lot of words have already been shared regarding Production IG’s big return to dystopian sci-fi, PSYCHO-PASS, so a part of me felt like…
War On Yurismas! Psycho-pass
Urobuchi’s crusade: war on yuri. And now about to be war on yaoi.
Memory and Oblivion in Sora no Woto
Guest contributor Foxy Lady Ayame of The Beautiful World discusses, in depth, the shaping and memorializing of war in Sora no Woto. A deep and erudite look at an anime with much deeper ambitions than its moe exterior suggested.
Through Older Lenses: Urban Square – Kohaku no Tsuigeki (1986)
“For years, I didn’t understand the concept of writer’s block. I was like, “what’s that?”, you know? And then I realized a few weeks…
“But To Be Chuunibyou Was Very Heaven!”: A Memoir of Art and Embarassment
Another reminisce of gendomike’s teenage years: those foolish, imagination-soaked days of late middle school and high school, when a king named Sareth Darva Arakin Tanera ruled Andor and started showing up online. Oh, and some parallels to the recent anime Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai.
Stepping into Shiro Kuma Cafe.
Since the summer, this happens to be one show I find myself following, though the jokes do get repetitive and there happens to be a character…