Author: foxyladyayame
With the shiftness of the world’s naughtiest tail, the innocence of youthful eyes and the smartness of a fox’s brain, she travels the world of ideas and articles along with her companion. Through their long journey, they have carried a great variety of spices (anime, manga, music, books…) to make their days and nights as tasteful as possible. You can find their diairies at She writes under the pen name Foxy Lady there and usually bears the nickname ayame in the wordpress-sphere.
Memory and Oblivion in Sora no Woto
Guest contributor Foxy Lady Ayame of The Beautiful World discusses, in depth, the shaping and memorializing of war in Sora no Woto. A deep and erudite look at an anime with much deeper ambitions than its moe exterior suggested.
Posted in Anime Reviews
A History Lesson from Hyouka
Guest writer FoxyLadyAyame of the beautiful world presents an informed, in-depth look at how the characters in Hyouka enact a particular historiographical method in their search for truth. The result is a rich analysis of one of the season’s most notable shows.