Category: Ringtones
My “Girls with Guns” ringtone trilogy
[display_podcast]For this special service post, I’m putting up the ringtones made from the ED of El Cazador, from the action sequences of Madlax, and from…
Ringtone from Mikuru’s song.
[display_podcast] Let us say it together Mi…mi…mi…Mikuru beeeeaamu!
Claymore OP ringtone – here you go.
[display_podcast] I don’t like the OP as much as the ED, but I just thought I’ll put it up.
Not annoying enough to your non-Otaku friends? Try singing “Cha la head cha la” like Izumi Konata!
[display_podcast] It’s “Cha la head cha la!” But sang by Izumi Konata (Hirano Aya)! If your non-Otaku friends didn’t feel like strangling you before, they…
A rocking ringtone from Black Lagoon that makes you want to whack someone – not
Just another testosterone filled ringtone that’s a pleasure to wake up to in the morning! Turn it up loud and it’ll wake any sleepy head…
Haruhi ED ringtone…I wanna dance in the middle of Akiba!
[display_podcast] Do the dance with the SOS brigade and the Otakus all over the world whenever you hear this from your cellphone (if you download…