Do the dance with the SOS brigade and the Otakus all over the world whenever you hear this from your cellphone (if you download it)! Do it with your friends! Do it at the talent night at your school! Do it at your church!
Be Otaku and BE PROUD!
Pfft this has been my ringtone since August 2006 😉
Did you dance every time the ringtone goes off?
Okay so if I download it how to I get it on to my cell?
I want to have an excuse to dance in public. (That’s song’s in my head all the time and I hum it and wanna dance but then I look even more out of whack than I usually do)
Amaya – Well, the short answer is it depends on what kind of cell phone you have. For many cellphones there’s an option that you can choose to let you select the the mp3 that you just downloaded as the ringtone. My cell is like that. However, if you have a cellphone with Verizon, then the process is more complex (wait for Mike’s answer then), but in short, you’d have to download a file from somewhere and hack it. If Mike’s up he should be give you a better answer shortly. But that’s my solutions in a nutshell.
bwehhhh I can’t even dowload it -desu!
Been so fustrating trying to find Hare Hare Yukai TV version for my cell phone -desu!
Gahhh Oh well.. Amaya-chan gambarona!-desu!
(By the way I like your blog -desu)
Amaya – hey, thanks! We appreciate it.
When you say you can’t download the mp3, you mean on your PC? Or you can’t download it onto your cell phone? Oh, and this ringtone is the complete TV version (mp3 anyway). What is your cellphone’s make, you know, model, brand, and whatever other info?
Amaya – I could email you the mp3 if the download link doesn’t work for your PC. Let us know.
Amaya–not all cellphones/providers support uploading your own ringtones. If you’re in the US on Verizon, for instance, Verizon usually locks down their cell phones to the degree where you can’t even transfer any files without hacking. That’s the situation with my cell phone (RAZR V3m). AT&T/Cingular is better about it, as is T-Mobile.
I was able to click and get the file via the “download” link above so I’m fairly sure that isn’t the problem.
Hope things work out for you Amaya!
No I meant I couldn’t download it on to my computer, since my cellphone does support mp3. But it’s okay now I downloaded the full version of the song off limewire then duplicated it, reduced it to a tv size and sent it to my cell through myxer.com (I think that’s it).
I’d like to thank all of you for so eagerly wanting to help ^^
I love this Song+Dance+Anime rocks!!!!!! Let us Otaku’s Dance along and sing to the SONG!!!!!! *Dancing+Singing along*
Nayami – my dream is doing the dance in the middle of Akiba on a world-wide “Hare Hare Dance Day!”
kyon and koizumi should of had a rap in one of their singles hahah
Hare Hare Yukai – to me, the guys are just decorations to and stuff for girls.
holla por que don os has escrito ingles no hay español bueno yo sere la primera y ese anime me parese super wai es genial me fasina
Hey, I think this one is too long to use as a ringtone. My phone goes by the actual size of the file rather than the time length… Wait, I’m confused and not sure what I’m asking anymore. @_@