Category: Ringtones
Otakon Day One – Kikuko Inoue Panel Q&A, Pt 1.
Kikuko Inoue is a famous seiyuu associated with many popular anime. Her past performances include Belldandy of Aa Megami-Sama, Kasume Tendou in Ranma 1/2, Rune…
Hardcore Otaku ring tone pt.2 – Bun *** from Lucky Star
Ray November 15, 2007
Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha…By request, here it is. [display_podcast] Do whatever it takes to show your Otakuness!
the ringtone made with the music from Konata’s favorite RPG! You can’t get any more hardcore than that!!!
Ray November 13, 2007 3 Comments on the ringtone made with the music from Konata’s favorite RPG! You can’t get any more hardcore than that!!!
I’m not kidding at all when I say, this is for really hardcore Otaku only. [display_podcast] Can you stand up to the challenge as real…
Ringtone number 3 for the week – Made from Aya-chan’s new single!
Ray November 7, 2007
Enjoy this sampler! [display_podcast]
Bonus ringtone by request – “Melodie” from Noir
Ray November 7, 2007
It’s the short piece when the clock is shown on screen. [display_podcast] The soundtrack CD is very nice and is a worthy purchase in my…
Ringtone from Hayate no Gotoku OP2.
Ray November 7, 2007
Not much to say except enjoy! [display_podcast]