Oohhh the hurting…
Unlike many of my cohorts here at Anime Diet, I was not able to work out the schedule in a way that I could enjoy every major event taking place this weekend in downtown Los Angeles. And in doing so, the agony for some of these events is still quite fresh!
So what we have here is a little pre-con rant before the true realization sets in that I likely wasn’t going to catch these anyway. But it does make me a little sad monster to know that I will not be in attendance for these significant events at what poses to be one of the most exciting last-minute lineups in Anime Expo history.
So without additional fanfare, a list of what I wish I was checking out this week instead of posting this. So break out the anesthetic, and dose me up… because this is gonna smart.
5. Yuu Asakawa : Time to fess up. I’m a sucker for the vocal stylings of this particular performer. It seems strange as she’s not particularly known for the atypical bubbly-voice that most expect from female seiyuu.Since her turn as cool-headed, turtle-phobe Motoko Aoyama in Love Hina, I’ve consistently been a fan of her brand of natural presence. (something that became all the rage in seiyuu work into the 2000s) Who can imagine super-cool classmate Sakaki-san without her wonderfully dry deliveries? And even as I’ve not heard much of her most recent work with recent shows, as well as the second Vocaloid app, it’s a shame that I won’t be able to catch her live.
{Diagnosis: Sad Face}
4. Toshihiro Kawamoto: Do I really need to explain this one?
{Diagnosis: Continuous “NOOOOOOOO!”s}
3. Kenji Kamiyama, Tomohiko Ishii, & Satoru Nakamura: Folks, about the most important element of the congoing experience for me is the GoHs. There’s no disputing this. No matter how much conventions have evolved over the last several years, it has remained clear to me that the ability to actually see, and chat with those who bring us such amazing works is the prime blood of this activity. And to catch the minds behind such a classy production seems to me to be the ultimate reason to attend this year’s AX. True to the best years of this convention, FUNI and pals have delivered an awesome package with bringing some of Production IG’s most progressive minds responsible for one of the most consistently exciting shows in years. No doubt, one of the best licensing acquisitions I’ve been following in a long time, Eden Of The East (Higashi No Eden) is cause for celebration. So naturally, missing this only adds to the sad panda experience that is my AX.
{Diagnosis: Pangs Of Regret-Ow.}
2. Yui Horie: Again, another from the Hinata Sou camp. This is the one this year that pains me to no end to miss. As a longtime fan of this icon’s sound & range, to imagine much of recent anime without the often grouding timbre to her voice is near-impossible. And to think that she’s come from playing the quasi-tsundere violent romantic lead, to plucky heroines, and ultimately to the distant, loopy love interest of Toradora! makes me happy to see her weather the storm of the last ten years, and remain as charming as ever. I know this comes counter to my often sedate demeanor on this site, but this just plain hurts like the treads of a Guntank over my face.
{Diagnosis:Pathetic Tears In A Darkroom, followed by Hemorrhaging}
1. Ai Nakajima & May’n: OK. This is it. The big one. The announcement that almost made me throw my hands up, giving up on con events altogether this year. To not catch this duo live in LA is something tantamount not catching the first Moon Landing. It is just that kind of lunatic event that transcends merely an anime act. This is J-pop at its most vital & thrilling. Whether one has actually seen Macross F or not, this is a “can’t miss” appearance that very well lives up to being in Nokia Theater and blowing away expectations. From catching some of their performances online, this is ground zero for my inner fanboy this year. And it is made all the more crushing that it takes place mere hours before I actually show up! To quoth Paul Atreides:THE PAIN!!!!
{diagnosis: Tears Of Blood}
(All the best to my fellow Dieters on the scene right this moment, as well as all the fans taking part in as many AX events as possible!)
I’m only going to AX for two days (tomorrow and Sat.), but it’s better than not going at all like last year XD I’m excited about the Nakajima and May’n concert too!
If you’re not doing anything Sat. evening, there’s going to be an anime bloggers meet-up with me and a few others.
Very cool! Overall, I like the idea. The roomie & I will definitely be on site all day. hopefully after the ANN podcast panel, we’ll be more available to meet up. So where & when is this supposed to take place?