Why is one of the first posts from AX from the cameraman? Because I do not have to edit the pictures, that is why. We start off this pictorial tour from the LA convention center. We made a mistake and parked really far away from the press junket. So here is a picture of glorious AX.

In the pressroom, we ran into our good friend Benu. This is Mike and Benu waiting for the interviews to start.

The room is ridiculously hot. Also apparently, Benu is not legit press, because he got rejected from interviewing a band for not being a “true professional press” person. That band is not that classy.
Now we waited for about 2 hours before our interviews started, and this is already after being about an hour late.
Here, Mike is reading over the Anime Diet Zine–buy it from table D24 in Artist Alley. I wrote an article for it, a very funny article, I am thinking. The zine was a group effort by all of us, and it was really fun.

Here, Jeremy is writing questions for his interview with the folks from Trigun. They were really fun. One of them told us he needed to go on a diet–and I suggested an anime diet. Today Mike and Jeremy traded doing interviews. When the videos get edited and posted watch them. We loved working with everyone.

Mike and Jeremy would camp outside of the hotel rooms for the interviews. They were prepared with good questions. The thing I was most concerned with was backlighting. I wanted people to be able to see the faces of whom we interviewed. It was a little funny because we were hanging out in the hallways waiting for the magic to happen.

The last picture is of the members of our panel, the Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour. Come out this Saturday at 9 o’clock to see one of the most amazing panels ever. It will be an experience for all of us.

Any way for us unfortunately absent internet-goers to get our hands on that zine? Looking forward to your panel as well as the daily video diaries.