It used to be one just have to look inside her for strength to get through the most difficult times; now even that isn’t enough.
It used to be evil is evil, just intending on destroying the world; now it’s not even evil anymore, it’s sadness that rots and transforms into evil.
As Ulin stays in the role as the kid full of excuses and continues to harbor the “evil” inside, I become more and more convinced that a slap in the face by her sister is in order.
This show is just another excuse for girls love-light. Not even a good girls love story at that, as Marin and Kanon’s relationship is always blurred and they’re too far away relationship-wise as close friends but too close physically sometimes to not be some kind of lesbian couple.
Am I being too harsh and stretching it too far? So? This story stretches things too far anyways!
At least in Sailor Moon, Usagi slapped Chibi-Usa good. Kids sometimes need that slap. Unfortunately, today’s parents and societies are paranoid and sees any physical discipline as evil as something sexually abusive. Give me a flying motherfucking break.
Marin pulls a Sailor Moon-like stunt and uses her “power of light” (nicely generic) to heal her friends and the old turtle’s daughter. Her power usage becomes a lesson to Kanon and so the two of them use it together…which doesn’t cure Ulin ASAP.
That’s well and good like Sailor Moon, but then the BS shows up.
The female final boss is the composite of the sadness of people on the island; on ONE island. Her power is enough to destroy the entire world, where many people get over it and move on.
Is it the Fantasy Revenge of Okinawan people on the world? In any case, nobody slaps Ulin and her childish act continues to pollute every creature in the sea and the people on this particular island, which is the source of all evil in this story.
Get over it. For the sake of reviewing nearly the whole thing, I’ll watch the next and last episode. But seriously?
Additional Note: Kurashima Houko, why oh why can’t you get better roles? Because you’re 33? The Japanese animation industry and the fans are cruel indeed.
Must be because Kuwashima Houko is not seventeen!
Oh boy, yeah, she needs to join Kikuko-sama’s cult!