Ooh, plots, intrigue, funny characters (though admittedly, a little bit one-dimenional), interesting though rather shallow and easily constructed backstory and world view, this one is gaining my favor so far.
Am I the only one that think Sion looks WAY TOO MUCH like Testarossa from Full Metal Panic, especially with the uniform? Watching the PV, I honestly thought he was a girl until he spoke. Also –
HOW DARE THEM KILL THE DOG! GODAMMIT, don’t kill the dog! I want to form a lynch mob for that poor creature! After all, there are animal police in NYC and yet if you get robbed or stabbed, you’re less likely to get justice. Eh. GET THOSE DOG KILLERS!
Right now, the show’s having a little trouble trying to decide to be serious or funny. The danger of going into a possibly long back story is that the story of the present day will be severely shortened (see Berserk and Tenjo Tenne). We’ll see. So far, the comedy has won me over but everything else is a little flat. Like the characters and the humor, but as for the rest…I take the first paragraph back, the plots are OK so far. I want to see how it pans out over the next few episodes.
This has the potential in funniness ala Slayers, plot depth ala Scrapped Princess and back story depth ala Berserk. But we won’t know until 4 more episodes in, I reckon.
P.S. Have been skimming through both episodes on Saturday, 11:28 AM PST. The contrast of episode 1 and 2 don’t seem that jarring after all and the story is more interesting than I firsst though. Hmm…
Yeah, it’s been surprisingly enjoyable so far. It certainly does have a bit of a Scrapped Princess vibe to it, now that I think about it, hopefully it can find that golden balance between humour and drama.
Also, in Sion’s case you’ll be glad to know Tessa apparently has an twin brother called Leonard. So I imagine he would resemble Sion a bit.
Well, now I see, it doesn’t feel like there’s a huge disparity between episode one and two. I’ve been enjoying it and I hoping that it’ll balance itself out.
Oh right, I totally did not know about Tessa’s brother. Yeah, maybe Sion is his alternate universe? 😛
Just caught up to the first two eps, and yeah, this is one of the better shows this season so far. Doesn’t seem completely brainless, fanservicey, childish or boring.. which might explain why almost no one’s talking about it. I think I’ll follow this instead of Highschool of the Dead, to top up my Noitamina-infested viewing schedule.
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@ deaky – This could potentially turn out to be a diamond in the rough. Look out.
(Sorry the spam filter mistook yours as spam)