The “Snake” is really not a terrorist organization; it acts like another weapons merchant, or in the case of almost modern fantasy like novels, the merchant of Chaos.
It seeks to continue wars and weapons trade and all that. It’s an old concept.
Rierie didn’t appear in this episode and the episode seened kind of dull to me.
Finally, we’re getting into the core of the plot – Noto Mamiko I mean Hakko is leading everyone to her village. We get some strong hints that Canaan as well as Hakko’s handler are the causes of the destruction of her village, far into Western China.
Is she a Uyghur? Because she, Yun-yun, and that old dude certainly don’t look like the same race. Oh well, it’s anime.
Canaan loses her omni-tracking eye and has to deal with people as any other human does for the first time. It’s very uncomfortable for her.
There are some almost lesbian scenes going on.
I’m looking forward to the next episode. This one was more of a filler for me.
Glad you like what you see~
“Is she a Uyghur? Because she, Yun-yun, and that old dude certainly don’t look like the same race. Oh well, it’s anime”
The races are confusing, sort of. The old guy and Yun Yun are definitely Chinese, but who knows what the hell Hakko is. The Canaan’s I’m assuming are Isreali going by what you get when you search ‘Canaan’ on Wikipedia.
@ Digitalboy – Canaan has a good pace (maybe I’m just so used to 13 episode-shows) and enough action just about every episode (not this one, obviously) to keep me interested. Yeah, Canaan is probably a Middle Eastern gal (she’s hot but flat chested). As for Hakko…she’s a Muse (singing to give people pain)? XD
In contrast, I haven’t picked up on Phantom since episode 15 because I can’t get used to traditional 26 (or maybe it’s 24) episode show anymore.
How about the better reason that Phantom sucks complete ass? :p
Hmm. I thought Phantom was great for quite a few episodes until the first climax – when Ein died. I’m curious, why do you hate it so much?
digitalboy, maybe you’re not the only person that watches it? maybe it does not suck for me?
@lolok: it not sucking for anyone is why we can’t have nice things