Waaaaah! Sorry this week’s a day late, I was out of town and completely spaced. Anyways enjoy the Haruhi Hurricane inspired by of course, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Remember to drink responsibly and be careful in your drunken shenanigans!
Edit: I totally forgot to add that I did a Hurricane drink because of Gustav. Good luck to everyone who’s having to brave the storm and stay safe!
What is Shojo Mojito?
Every Friday (unless a horrendous hang-over strikes) I’ll be bringing you delcious drink recipes starring bishi boys and georgous girls from old and new shojo series! (or series that come close!)
I’m afraid to drink this.
yes. i concur.
It can’t be that bad.
It must be good! Yay!
No it is probably not bad. Just hella scary to drink.
lol it is… very strong to say the least. Don’t drink it on an empty stomach XD
Did you try it :D?