Wait when did I start watching Evangelion?
This episode reminds of me of the end of Evangelion where we learn the show was not about monsters and robots, but the human instrumentality project. It is needlessly complicated. I get that Jupiter was thought to be the king of the gods. But it is just silly how apparently Jupiter is the over-soul. Ok so Marianne’s plan was for this to happen at the end but it is just so convoluted and silly. Why even bother to bring her back. The V.V. arc is just beyond reasoning. I really wonder what they are trying to do with the end at this point. It is so grandiose and horrible. C.C.’s line sums up the entire episode.
This whole story does not make sense. If that was what Charles was trying to do the whole time why did he not implement it earlier? Why did they go through the whole all the inane details of everything? Why did they even bother attacking Japan in the first place? I thought this was about Sakuradite or something, and now no one could care less about that stuff. I just don’t get how the all the crap they had to do for the first season had to happen. Saying it is about C.C. is a cop out and bull crap so leave her out of this.
The end was pretty cool. Lelouch comes back and is a jerk about it. He also finally has Suzaku on his side. Although here is the problem; is Lelouch always on the good side or is Suzaku always on the bad side? If Lelouch ends up like kira and dead at the end of the series that will be a huge let down. I want to see some compelling motivates from characters and good story. I can give them a pass for these last two episodes as long as it ends on a bitchin’ note. This episode is a little better then the last episode but dang is it not why I liked this show in the first place.
this episode sounds good to me but if u really got such a plan on how the show should go why don’t you go create another same anime with a different storyline? pls stop saying rude word as it is not needed.
Suzaku is on Lelouch’s side now?That is ONE good news 🙂
Problem is I was not allowed to watch anything from the youtube or etc.So I didn’t know much about it.I thank U. ;3
He needed CC’s mark to complete the Ragnarok junction, thus why he had to attack Japan to draw her out.
T mylyfe; see i figured they had her in the beginning so they just should not have lost her. why leave a valuable key in the middle of no where without guarding it really well?
T Alan; it feels like they decided to change everything in code geass and make it very complicated for no reason. Sure I could make my own show but why do the work then they did so well on the first part of it.
OK, This episode is all bullshit!!! It ruins the Code geass show!!!! Evrything is all complicated and messed up!!
First, Lelouch kills his father and his mother, who is the main reason he even started this war.
Second, why Anya was there when V.V killed Lelouch’s mother and wasn’t found out doesn;t really matter at all.
Third, just when Suzaku is about to kill Lelouch, there’s a timeskip and he became Lelouch’s dog and broke iron spears with his legs.
Fourthly, Lelouch made himself king of Britainnia when he how have done it 40 ep ago.
Finally, Schneizel just gives the country to Lelouch and laughs about it and say shits like “you might have Birtainnia but who will get the world”.
Bottom piont is the code geass show is ruined by this ep. The ep made all the exciting and thrilling things that happened before all for nothing. The director could really have done better!!!
I know im a dumb ass for posting this but i think i should give my say to all this. Feel free to criticize me. 🙂
I believe Code Geass is a good anime but not the best, but could be better. Since i heard rumor about how Sunrise was in a bit of clusterfuck during the making of CGR2 i forgive there mistakes.
“why leave a valuable key in the middle of no where without guarding it really well?”
They didn’t. She was in a Britt Vehicle and lulu happened to find her while snooping around when the vehicle stopped.
“First, Lelouch kills his father and his mother, who is the main reason he even started this war.”
Yes. But after lulu learned the truth about his mother’s intentions he now aims to not change the world but give it a future.
“Second, why Anya was there when V.V killed Lelouch’s mother and wasn’t found out doesn;t really matter at all.”
well if they didn’t make a plot as to how lulu’s mom got to where she is now, you would be crying about how his mom being where she is makes no sense.
“Third, just when Suzaku is about to kill Lelouch, there’s a timeskip and he became Lelouch’s dog and broke iron spears with his legs.”
Chances are, lulu told him about his plans for a better future and agreed with him.
“Fourthly, Lelouch made himself king of Britainnia when he how have done it 40 ep ago.”
the plot is going by pretty fast as it is. if they made him king then then wats the point of a season 2?
“Finally, Schneizel just gives the country to Lelouch and laughs about it and say shits like “you might have Birtainnia but who will get the world”.”
Schneizel has a plan and i guess not matter wat lulu does during his time as king his plan will still succeed. What his plan is we of course dont know yet.
(Forgive me for the Wall of Text)
OK, my point of this episode is that the plot twist sucks compare to the other Code Geass episodes.
First, why make Lelouch’s reason to start the war his mother’s death if he is going to kill her. Now Lelouch won’t even have a reason to still fight Britainnia.
Second, they shouldn’t have made Lelouch’s mother come back to life at all. She should have just remained dead.
Third, if all it took was for Lelouch to tell Suzaku that he will make a better world for Suzaku to join his side then Lelouch could have done it years ago. Where did all the hate and grudge that Suzaku felt after Lelouch kills Elphie go and how he hated Lelouch’s way of controlling people.
Fourth, the plot of Lelouch making himself the king of Britainnia in just a month is stupid. If it was so easy, all the wars and fighting that happened seems so… pointless. All the people that died died in vain.
Fifth, why did Schneizel give Lelouch the entire country when he could have taken the throne? Is he commanding the Black knights now??? How will he beat Lelouch and the more powerful country in the world in just 4 episodes. Now that all the nobles are under Lelouch’s control, he can’t just solve this by words.
Code Geass is going nowhere now. Lelouch completed his goal of killing his father and became the king of the country he said he hated so much of in the blink of an eye. What’s going to happen now??!??
Also, Charles’ imagine of a badass ruler of Britainnnia that Code Geass created after all the episodes was destroyed all at once. Before, he used to say that “All man are not created Equal” and now he is trying to bring world peace. WTF
And just when I thought that Lelouch’s mother was a good person, she turned out to be a whore!
Everything messed up
Hellsnova, thank you for your comments. And that is not sarcasm you presented a well thought out response. Although I am REALLY lazy so I won’t respond with as much thought as you put into your comments. But I do have to mention that when Lelouch found C.C. she was underneath some construction no where near anything valuable. It would have made a lot more sense if she was escaping somewhere and then found Lelouch not falling out of an egg type dealy.
Oh yeah, also, if all Charles want top do is create world peace with geass then why in the world did he even attack Japan for??!!?!? He killed so many and made so many suffer and now he suddenly became a good guy?! WTF
At first, I was trying to restrain myself and reply to Key’s question, but in second thought, all his questions are retarded and can be answered by reviewing the show for 5 minutes.
Me too don’t know how to explain and also don’t know if i could accept how their story goes when everything went too fast,ridiliculous,sometime not logic&so confusing.and somehow i got this feeling that Sunrise want to make the show end so fast so however the story goes it doesn’t matter anymore..
*me too don’t know how to explain THIS*sorry by my missing word.Anyway i hope you guys are not mad of what i had said just now.Its what i’m thinking at the moment.(like trying to understand the story once again starting from the 1st season right until now but still…i couldn’t get it.)
To Matt: 🙂
To Ap-L: I don’t find your comments bad nor do they make me angry. I think we can all agree we feel that Sunrise is rushing the storyline but i don’t think they can help it. I’ll say again there must be something going on at Sunrise that they needed to rush R2. Maybe they needed to do something else and HAD to push R2 out of the way. Still the series (season 1 and 2) is still interesting to watch weather it sucks or not. I just hope they can explain some things in the next 4 ep.
Code Geass is a wicked show. If Sunrise is going to make it, then they should it as good as possible. If they don’t have time for CG R2 then why don’t they wait until they have time.
episode 21 sux..
but i do like how the series ended though.