Anime Diet @ Otakon 2009

In the early days of Anime Diet, our illustrious founder Mike covered every Otakon personally. With a heavy con load this year, it has fallen to newer writers to step up and cover Otakon 2009!


It may seem a little early to be speaking of this July con, but some folks have been preparing since last August! I leave you with these classic words, “The flag has been planted, and world domination will surely follow! Look forward to our coverage.”

Author: moritheil

One might be forgiven for thinking that Moritheil is a postmodern literary critic who started reviewing video games in 2001, and spent the early 2000s learning at the right hand of con staff and fansubbers. However, those rumors are spurious: Moritheil is actually a distant relative of Genghis Khan who stands poised to conquer the world via the Internet. Follow along at

4 thoughts on “Anime Diet @ Otakon 2009

  1. I should note that my Otakon reports predate the founding of Anime Diet/Scattered Cels by a few years. I reported on Otakon 2004 and 2005 on my personal blog back then, as well as my first AX in 2006. A lot of the pictures are now missing somewhere for those posts though.

  2. I will also be at Otakon.  Look forward to catching up with you there.

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