Has it been nearly a week already? Since I said good bye to Boston? Well it was last weekend I made it to Boston, on my first solo Anime Diet press coverage for my first Anime Boston. Anime Boston seems to have a very robust number this year in terms of attendance in a final count of 19,136 people.
It was quite convenient to stay at the Sheraton, as pictured above, since the hotel connected directly to the Hynes Convention Center, where the convention was. (3 floors of it) There was also a very convenient food court. So this year armed with my Droid. I used The Conventionist as a schedule tracker, my iPad to take notes. I was pretty set. There was also the convention’s own Con Chowdah which is a blog of the convention. Also with Twitter and #animeboston, there was plenty of chatting. Oh did I mention that one of the best things was how free and wi-fi friendly the Hynes was? Very convenient!
Unofficial news that are going around is that next year it is going to probably be even more epic around this time of the year. PAX East is going to be held the same weekend as Anime Boston, and FYI, PAX East is a gaming convention that has really huge numbers and gamers going for it. But that’s all next year for the East Coast and possibly West Coast people to think about.
So a recap to the posts I have done in regards to Anime Boston. There is also going to be some explanations to what photos I included on the Flickr page.
Music Monday: Putting the Focus on Music Acts at Anime Boston
Mari Iijima 2011’s Anime Boston Concert Set List
Anime Boston Fan Panals and just Recapping them….
Flickr Images
Cosplayers I saw.
Anime Boston Opening Ceremonies
Fan Panels
Taiko Drumming Workshop
Mari Iijima Concert
Giragamesh Concert
(My lens gave me more trouble than I thought it would, so apologies on not providing enough images.)
Otsukare-sama! Congrats to first solo press coverage! That was heck of a lot of people! Ahh, I never been to Boston. I hear it’s such a beautiful historical town! I really want to visit! Thank you for the coverage. I enjoyed reading it!
Arigatou…hmm… it definitely didn’t feel like a lot of people though. Boston definitely was a nice city, just wish I had more time to explore instead of just staying at the convention site. Ahhh if you are definitely on the East coast, definitely visit, outside of visiting NYC of course! Thank you for reading and commenting. ^_^