I got this petition link from thiago_pagogna on MAL. He found my Claymore review (the second one on the page) and told me about the petition. From what I can understand, this is a non-profit Japanese site that offers people to sign petitions for something and to donate to causes if one so wish.
Anyway, it’s a peition for making a second season of Claymore. KURORO, a dedicated fan, is asking for our help. From what I can understand of Japanese language, it says that the goal is 10,000 votes by 03/31/2010 (March 31 2010). The final resuit is 12,707 signatures.
Thank you, thiago and everyone who signed it. You are all true winners and your names will be remembered
Anime Diet’s PMX interview of Director and Character Designer of Claymore
Claymore Anime Reviews, more reviews, series review, Reviews on Crunchyroll
I ain’t too optimistic about online petitions… but… who knows?
Would be great if the petition does comes through, though. Shows how much the series values the fan if it does appear with another season :x.
@ Netto – can’t hurt. I mean, we met the director and character designer at Madhouse at PMX. Back then, there wasn’t so much enthusiasm. But now, with over 7700 people already voted, maybe they will think about it again.
I liked alot about claymore one of the most intresting animes I’ve ever come across… lets just say i don’t like alot of anime, just to justify my point, its worth watching.
I Heard There Was A Second Series Of Claymore Coming Out This Year. I Hope It’s True, They Never Make A Second Series Of The Animes I Like Such As Fruits Basket, But I Know Claymore’s Alot More Popular So Hopefully This One Will Get It’s Second Series.
@ Erin – yes, you’re right. I think it can be an acquired taste but it’s worth it.
@ LauraLunacy – really? Where did you hear that?
i heared about the voting and there is more than 10000 people voted already but still we are not sure they will make it im dying for a new season
@ Kira – this is the time to persevere and maybe write an email to Madhouse, showing them the results. With over 10,000 signatures, I doubt they can just ignore it completely. I wrote something to them but I think we need more people writing email!
They may even be working on it as we speak!
ahh i rly need another season this anime have a big future and if u know how i can contact them plz tell me cause i will
i wana ask u sth it will be from the same director and character designer or from some1 else?
@ kira – their official email is info@madhouse.co.jp
I actually wrote an email to them. See what I did: https://animediet.net/commentary/claymore-petition-an-open-letter-to-madhouse
If anyone knows a better way to contact, let us know!
i sent a massege ^^ but u didnt answer my question if they make another season it will be from the same character designer and from the same director?
@ kira – that’ll be up to them. Let’s hope so.
I sent email to madhouse. For claymore. I hope we can watch this anime again.
Woowoo! Claymore! Just finished watching it and loved it. The ending could have been better, but still an awesome series!
ЭЭэээ… Матильды, если релиз реал 31 марта, то я кипятком писать буду на него!
if it work for betty white…
It’s the 1st of april so does anyone know what happened? Did we make it? Will there be a S2?
I would like to watch claymore season 2 and itll be more fun if they will broadcast it once a week like naruto,is that possible>?
I love claymore.. One of the best shows I’ve ever seen. They HAVE to make another one.. I’ll sign, though it might not be of much help.
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Please make season 2 !!!
the anime ending is very bad
rmk the claymore an make the same as manga
i couldn’t figure out how to sign the petition, maby i missed it, but i am a huge fan of Claymore and i despriatly await the second sesion.
We’ll see. In the mean time, go to the Memorial to remember our efforts.
i really i mean really want to see the second series SOOOO BAD!!!!!!
Please I would like to see a series of Claymore Season 2. Me and my friends around here were talking about Claymore from time to time. We are so addicted to Claymore. Please, make a Season 2 of it. Even if the Anime does not following the Manga series – still Claymore is a very action packed Anime I’ve ever seen. There’s no episode that there’s no war against Yoma’s and that makes the Claymore exceptional. Unlike any other Anime that more on talk that makes the series longer, they are more on action and adventure and making the series popular because of their interesting unique powers and skills and abilities.
I hope that the maker and the director and the rest of the staff of Madhouse would consider our petition to make another Season of Claymore.
Thank You.
I like it I cant even described it cuz its too COOL
Chick wielding swords I LIKE IT REALLY!!!!!
this show is one of my favorites. i got bored one day and found the first two episodes free on my Comcast thingy…ended up watching all the episodes in like two days. they are amazing. if they dont make a second season. i might cry..not really. but ill be pretty pissed
CLaymore is one of my fav shows to see the 2nd season published hell yea!!!! COME ON AUTHOR MAKE US ALL HAPPY!!! <3
Another thing we can do is to purchase the dvd’s or cd’s, they will only make another season if they see a demand. I got my box set and voted too.
The first Claymore was an overwhelming success. There is no doubt that a second season will do just as well, if not succeed the first. There should be enough manga to conjure up a sequel.
I would denifitely take this over final fantasy or another star wars film.
Oh i’m cryng,even now …When claymore seson 2 will come:((
its july 14. 2010. and i was just wondering did the petition work cus its ben 4 months since 31st march and no news about second season.
Unfortunately, there’s been no updates.
Is there any chance that there simply waiting for more manga to come since they used around 60 manga chapters for season 1 so they might start a second season when theres 120-130 manga chapters.
atleast thats what i hope theyre doing 🙂
Can someone update me on Madhouse’s response if they did. I finished all 26 episodes in 2 days, it was worth putting everything else aside. In my opinion, this is an unsual anime having females being the protagonist and alpha “male”. After I finished it i had this awkward sad feeling, you know after you finish a good anime series, SO I really hope they would make another season. 😀
If they make another searies which i hope they do… theres a chance that thelly ethier continue on with clare or jump to teresa they might just make the second series about her thatll b kinda cool :3
More…More…More…, “GOD, WE WANT MORE……”
I will never lose hope!
I just finished the series and it ranks up there as one of the best animes ive ever seen.
please make season 2
Just finished as well and sent them a messege, even though it’s 6 months later 🙂 It’s not looking too good but trying can’t hurt. The demons of the abyss and prescilla are still alive there’s plenty more for another seaon or 2.
I just finished my second watch on all of 26 series…
damn!! its real good.
They rush in ending……. but still good
and I read the manga…. its awesome.
make me wondering, will the author do the correction in anime, just like naruto shippuden?
We need a true ending one where something happens either clare dies or she gets her vengance
it is November 1st 2010, claymore just apeared on my x-box, via netflix instant watch. I burned through it in 2 days and can say that i havent seen anything that emotionally power packed since battlestar gallactica went off the air. it would be a crime not finish this amazing story. I will purchase it and spread the word…. what more can i do.
Just watched Claymore through my netflix. Amazing! went through it in a few days. I don’t watch much anime, but this I really enjoyed. Needs another season
I like this claymore anime ever since I watch it. Eventhough the plot at the ending differs from the manga I still like it. For me the plot in claymore manga, thrills me. I like to see it in anime for the season x until it not ends.
I just watched it for the second time 😀
I’m not to interested in manga tbh, also since i dont know which chapter was the ending of the anime – thus to continue the story by reading the manga (if would be great if someone could let me know :D)
But ye, i watched it again and its simply amazing. The story + the incredible animation just gets you hooked. They NEED to make another season. I recently heard it was released through netflix in America so i guess if that it successful it may give them more drive. GRR WE NEEDZ MOREZ CLAYMORE PL0xX!
I highly doubt there will be a season 2. The last 2 episodes of the anime conflict too drastically with the manga plot. The anime simply cannot follow the mangas story anymore, therefore forcing the anime writers to create a new plot from scratch, and angrying the fanbase in the process.
spoiler** in the manga as of chapter 110, raki and claire never meet up again, claire and 7 other claymore survivors stay in the north training for 7 years, claire and priscilla barely fight Claire almost dying then something very confusing happens where Claire is ripped to pieces and eaten by monster(south queen and rafaela merged and awakened somehow) and priscila apparently being eaten too. And Raki is actually cool, hes tall as hell, and built and can kill yoma easily. Oh, and prisilla and clare never meet till after 7 years and the silver king and the west empress are killed.
As you can see the last 2 episodes dont allow there to be a sequel true to Claymore. To be a little more clear, in the anime, when clare killed the lion, she sensed prisilla and went to fight her then jeane died. In the manga claire kills the lion and then immediately jeane dies the same way as the anime. Then 7 years pass. And Priscilla travels with Raki for those 7 years because he smells like someone from her past (teresas guts in claire, raki smells like clare after 7 years oddly), then she apparently betrays him when the big monster appeared and is carrying claires scent somehow…
Sorry for being a pooper but a sequel is too unlikely, sadly. I would still like to see an original sequel, as long as it has a good original storyline better than the manga. Really the manga storyline os a bit confusing, slow, and wierd. Wont be that harrd to make a good sequel from scratch, just need a good writer.
For the love of all that is holy make a season 2!!!! Come on! All these fans just longing out here… PLEASE!
Yo i really want to see claymore season 2 is is like the best anime and I am such a fan MadHouse please i begg you make another season please for me and all the other fans out there just think of us and fans start protesting for another season i have the rage of Clare muahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um madhouse d u know how much i like claymore? its the best and if u made the first season with a bad ending then u shouldve at least prepared a season 2 and when season 2 comes out start planning season 3 if i were you i would make it up to season 5 so thx if u can make more seasons and i would really apreciate it. so i will search season 2 and is there even a season 2 but i dont know of it?
its 1-9-11 any updates for claymore season 2?
They should really make a season 2.
It was such a great anime, I want more.
guys with those kind of messages do u really think madhouse wil make another one? Yo u gotta put in some more power like u know what im saying? Like : please madhouse make another claymore please and if you can please make up to 200 episodes. I beg UU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo guys come on put some more messages at least 100 all right ill make up to 70 but u gotta make the rest all right?
so i read the manga and i watched the anime 12 times i plan on watching it some more times. The manga was pretty good but i wish the manga went with the anime. Say Aye if you thought that 2.
My favorite sad scenes in the movie was when Teresa of the Faint Smile almost got raped but Clare came and hit that bandit in the head with a stick and he kicks her and Teresa make him run like a piece of crap. The Best was when Clare goes” I see it on your face, it hurts so much but you don’t want anyone to find out. I know it hurts cause you have the same eyes as me.” Then Teresa goes” This girl never knew for herself. She gave me what she wanted the most. Unconditional Love.” Omg I love that part it made me cry and make my eyes watery and if any1 agrees say Aye Aye.
Another sad part in the anime was when Jean saves Raki from Clare because of her fight with Pricilla. YOOO that was not as sad as Clare and Teresa Scene. Omg I love that part. Like I bet you all that I like Claymore the most in this freakin world. I am not kidding and if you think you like it more then get your dreams out of here. Even Ray I like it more than YOU! My rankings for it is 122222222222333333333333333333333333333333333333333333334444444444444455555555555555555555555 out of 122222222222333333333333333333333333333333333333333333334444444444444455555555555555555555555. And what sonnys.
To the creator of claymore
You have nothing to lose by creating a second season. You can’t leave your fans like that. Don’t you think you will lose support. You said we can have another season if you got more than 10000 supporters and now you decide you don’t want to follow through? Wow! We supported you, you should support us.
-Claymore fan
Just finished watching the first season on netflix… it was great. just happened to see the petition so figured i’d add my vote for a second season.
people yes it was and it made me cry
-claymore fan
and it was so great I love it. I like Teresa especially. So cool!!!
It was sad, made me cry, very fun, romantic, Please u said if we voted we will earn another season i think theres 15000 votes now
I agreed with David An, we should have another season because you said getting 10,000 votes would make another season, and look we have more than 10k votes, if you not gonna make another season why waste our time doing votes for it. Claymore is the best anime I ever saw!
Bring back Claymore!! that can’t be it! it just stops there! we want more xD
every time im going to the computer shop im always looking for the season 2 of claymore…. its really a good movie, i cant help myself but eagerly waiting for the next season….
ANIME but it will really can make u cry…
please please we are waiting for the next season eagerly….
I can understand, this is a non-profit Japanese site that offers people to sign petitions for something and to donate to causes if one so wish.
Anyway, it’s a peition for making a second season of Claymore. The only thing I’m sure of myself is that I care for the lowly and disenfranchised. I hate the rich and powerful and I love what I do, or what I can do.One day,
Claymore was the best anime i seen in a long time and thay just ended it WTF!!! lol thay can do so much more with this show it could be one of the best !! Anime out there come on make a another season PLZ!!!!!
Its sad that I start getting into anime and my favorite one only has one season. Hoping for a season two.
So I just finished watching Claymore yesterday and OMG was that ever an AWESOME series! I am addicted now!!!! Watched the whole first season in like a week! They better make a second season with the way they ended the first! I am honestly feeling a little depressed because of the fact that there isn’t anymore for me to watch… I want to find out more about the organization and the secrets that they keep, and if Clare and Raki fall in love. I can’t get this second season dilemma out of my head somebody help me!!!!!!!! ( I might need counseling now)
I had to find out what happened after watching the anime. Comic stuff isn’t something I would look at, but I am so engrossed in the story I had to go through the whole thing, now I’m completely out of material and stuck waiting for new stuff! A season two would be awesome. Agreed Ryan.
i loved this soOOooOoOoOOo much!!!! but i need more!!!! more!!! not enough more!!!!! i need a second season!!!!! please???
Just got done watching the whole series of claymore on my net flix and i was never a huge anime guy until i watched claymore, what a great story i just got stuck and could not stop watching it. When i found out there was no season two i was floored so please please please make another season of claymore, in fact keep making season after season its a great story and i cant seem to get enough of it, please don’t let the series die its just too good to stop there.
i have to admit this one of the best anime i have seen. has all the girls and hack and slash one could ever ask for. if some one is working on season 2 keep the good work going on. the show must go on.
Hey Creators of CLAYMORE,
You guys are the best… This is not only the best amine I seen so far.
The plot should have been more elaborated, seemed you guys were in a hurry to finish.
Above all, the story was amazing… Wish it continues.
Need to know what will happen to Claire, wonder if she will meet with Pricila.
NEED MORE! NEED MORE!!! no graphic
Please continue the season, I am counting for those who can’t type, but loved the show.
A true fan
P.S: make it quick =)
This is hands down for me the best series I’ve ever seen I would love to see a 2nd claymore series. I love it so much. You guys just put so much feeling into it and as you see alot of people want a second one.
I would love to meet you guys in person.
i think they should make a claymore season because claymores such great show and it wll be a total waste. if they dont plus i need to know if Claire will finaly kill Pricila or not and if the claymores will fight Easly or not . i have seen the last episode but i still think that the story is still incomplete so i think they should really make a claymore season 2
Please make Season 2 of Claymore….!!! PLEASE!
I finished the first season and ever since i cannot stop thinking about everything that has happened…i have fallen for this story completly … I need to see how it ends it cant in season one..!!!!!! This seson made my nights so much more fullflling and i felt goo!d after watching each episode… Anyway this season has stloen me away and i have never liked anything else anime so i think this seires is pretty legit.
I am a Claymore fan! sorry just had to get that out of the way. But i don’t know what the fools in japan are doing but every friend i have shown this show to has loved it. I have reached the half way point in my life! I’m just praying i will live long enough to see more. If i could trade the other half of my life to see more i WOULD! “Just to die happy” This show has affected my life so much that dieing without more would be just unforgivable.
Whatever happened to the petition, and results? Are they going to hold up their end of the deal?!
The anime and the manga are awesome. If you liked the anime then you can continue on reading the manga. Although I am left wondering here whats the problem? as far as I can see the Claymore Franchise is HIGHLY rated everywhere. It seems to me that they could make either a series or even better a few movies. In contrast I have seen a lot of crappy animes come out and make good money, but here they have a gold mine and they sit on it.. I believe that many movies could be made of the Manga right now. They already have out volume 19 and like 130 chapters. The material is already there and product tested. and it would be like they would be printing their own money. And How cool would a video game be? Start with a low character and build her up choosing your path of skills. $$$$$$$$$
Just finished Claymore, Incredible!!!!!!!!, Just looked up all the Eng. actors and Stephanie Young as Claire and Laura Baily as Jean are perfect. Season 2 is a MUST! I waited 10 years for StarCraft2, and I’m still waiting for Berserk 2. I’ll be here when Claymore comes back.
Such a great series! They really did a great job with the plot (until about the last two episodes when they tried to cap an early ending on such an incredible journey). Please make good of what you started! This show has so much story potential! Please come out with a season 2!
OMG! Are you for real? You don’t want to make anotherone? I was so excited when i found on that you mite make a second 1. Plz for all that is great in this world….MAKE……ANOTHER ONE!!!!! I would flip shit if i don’t get to see anotherone. I want to know if Clare becomes the strongest of all of the Claymores. Plz i love your show. I just finished watching it about a half and hour ago. I can’t wait for you to put the second one on. Plz do it for the people that love you and the amazing talent that you. Thank you so much ^.^
WE WANT CLAYMORE SEASON 2!! 🙂 just wandering, what happened to the deal? ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO MAKE ANOTHER SEASON?? :)) PLEASE? PLEASE? :))
i agree with everyone claymore is a good season and it has so much potential…..i really do think that the producers should keep there end of the deal …….we kept our end now where is season 2????????
and if the producers r not going to make a season 2 and disappoint there fans and eventually loose our support then let them i do really want a season 2 but it makes no sense that we keep buggen them if they r not going to do a season 2
and if they arnt going to do a season 2 then they should come out and say it because it makes no sense that they keep us believing. JUST ETHER GO WITH THE DEAL OR TELL US THE TRUTH………BUT I REALLY THINK THEY SHOULD GO WITH THE DEAL……BECAUSE IF THEY DONT THEN THEY R NO DIFFERENT THAN A LIAR………SO TELL US THE TRUTH OR LET OUR FAITH IN U DIE AWAY :{
YES MAX I DO ALSO believe that they r sitting on a gold mine but they r probably triing for season 2 but it is the commercials that pay for the show the must and without them the show is nothing
but if they don’t start a season 2 then you can watch shows like full metal alchemist and dead space if u haven’t already
dear producer if u have something to say to me or all of us this isnt my e mail i will have my real one later but for now no i dont have an email
so is the deal on or not
yes i also agree with fish
fish is right they should tell us what they r going to do………..i really liked the show and a lot of people where i live really liked it and r disappointed that there is no season 2 of claymore………….so please make a season 2
please i would like to hear what u have to say
what im saying is that they should post what they r going to do……please keep your promise
i sure hope that they r going to go with there promise
i believe there is going to be a second season i just read a quot from the director saying he didn’t like the end and he was trying for season 2………….huuuuuuuurrrrrrraaaaaaaa
Please!!!! I beg You, do a season 2!!!! Im waiting so long for it.
I am in love with claymore and have watched season 1 more than 10x, I feel so depressed knowing I finished, please continue to make more so many people need it.
sadsadsadsadsadsadsdadsadsdasdadsadsdasdasdadsadsdas i need another one people plz make one
Claymore is probably one of favorite animes of all time when i broke my arm during practice this show got me thru it all. Drama, Love, Fights it amazing and u truly do need to make another season you will inevitably lose most of your support if you tell us one thing than go back and do another.
I love Claymore I just watch the entire season last night/ morning overall loved it want another season but could you make it where Rocky is not so much of a cry baby and have him grow up a bit?
it would be better if he was a claymore so that he can actually help out clare
I’m not to much into animes but after watching Claymore for the first time about a week ago, I felt so empty afterwards because there were no more episodes to watch. I really wish they would make more episodes for it. I have been going crazy looking on sites and forums for someone hopefully to mention there are more episodes that just haven’t been released on the main stream internet. I just really hope somehow, someway more eps could be made for this great anime.
Does any one know if the petition worked?
I really I hope it did.
there better b a second season with the way the first season ended…………..i didnt watch it til last yr on netflix but i really liked it and have been hoping for more
You should make the second season the first one rocked
Please make another one I love this show!
i want a 2nd 1 wahhhh!!!
I love claymore bring it back
If anyone cares ive started another petition for Claymore season 2, hoping to get an astronomical amount of signatures this time to put more pressure on the creators to make another season the link is http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/claymoreseason2/ PLEASE sign and promote the link, Our voice can count if we get enough votes
Great Jerome Davis! We mustn’t forget about this petition and lets spam it everywhere is possible to gain more and more signatures!
Hi im italian and i’ve just created a facebook page to promote this new petition. like, spam and share it! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Petizione-per-la-seconda-stagione-di-Claymore/194518810626340
IF THIS DID NOT WORK, FUCK YOU STUBBORN PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE THE FANS WHAT THEY WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and what they need to live…)
plz create a 2nd season……
So erm ..: This is pretty pretty late but is there any word about Season 2? WhyYouNoKnow!?!?!?
why cant they just release the season 2????
come on just give the fans what they want
I just hope they would just stop producing anime that has no proper ending or rather no continuation at all. Im still hopeful though they would still make claymore season 2 and to other great anime that ends all of a sudden
I am so confused as to why a second season was not even announced being that the petition reached its goal. We are in 2014 already.
I am confused just as you are. I am still waiting for season 2 and it’ s already 2 or 3 years now when I first wached Claymore. Anime was so good that I can’t just forget about it! I would be glad to hear any news about Claymore anime. Such a good anime ;(
I truly enjoyed watching the anime claymore… And I’m still hoping that there will be a season 2 this year. I hope the author will realize that there is a lot of animeholic loves to see season 2 of claymore. Hope all the fans of claymore will continue to support to have the season 2!!!! I really loved this anime……. I can’t wait to watch the season 2!!!!
I’m desperately love CLAYMORE, that’s why after watching the season ! over and over again I read the continuation on manga online. PLEASE!!! Make it possible to release the season 2.
huh they should keep stories going– season 2 of claymore– continue D Gray Man Vampire Hunter D making a 3 and 4th movie and a tv series could be good Maby a new Yu Yu Hakashu 2nd series
It 2015 and still nothing! it going on to 2016! you got 5 months or i make my own season 😀
2017 and still nothing… 🙁 i wont lose hope!