Chikan beware! Tissues are being handed out for your wiping pleasure!

From Japan

Tokyo police launch weeklong anti-groping campaign on trains

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department launched an anti-groping campaign on Monday, with some 200 people including high school girls handing out fliers and tissues at Ikebukuro station.

Ray’s Take: Good idea…Is what I’d like to say. On one hand, it makes the message really clear when you have the usual victims interact with passengers before they get on the trains so that they’d at least see the faces and kind interact with them, without just seeing them as merely meat to be handled. At the same time, the public awareness will be raised, but on the other hand, the irony of tissues being handed out by girls is just too hard for me to pass up in the discussion. The Japanese society sexualizes women and so directly and indirectly, people are almost inviting awful behaviors in different places. What makes it worse is that in a lot of places, screaming out is frowned upon so the poor gal who doesn’t realize that she should scream anyways and she’s too afraid to be a subject of public awareness. I like what Tanaka Rie did whenever a groper groped her (more than once, apparently) – she grabs the person’s hand and tries to take him to the station personnel, who in term, could take the chikan to the police. I think that takes a lot of guts. There is no need for patience there at all. And yes, Rierie does have a nice ass.

Looking from it from another angle, smiling, probably giggling high school girls in short skirts handing out fliers and TISSUES for crime prevention? Hmm, I wonder how effective that would be, especially in Tokyo?

Author: Ray

I'm a hardcore Anime Fan and I'm proud of it. I know so many things and I've acquired so much knowledge you wouldn't believe. But my love is anime. I've been drifting in this world for so long that I don't even know what an anchor means. I've seen so many shows that I've lost count. The only thing I'm sure of myself is that I care for the lowly and disenfranchised. I hate the rich and powerful and I love what I do, or what I can do. I like anime and I don't mind watching different types of shows. I have experience in different types of Japanese animation. I would be called an "expert" in a bizzaro world. One day, I'd like to start a revolution. I love the US, pizza, beer, sashimi, Chinese food, and steak. But I love freshly baked bread more than a well-aged steak. In reality, if I were born Japanese I'd be a real, hardcore Otaku. I love to love and I can hate strongly. I'm passionate in nature and I don't mind shedding tears. I can be reached at rayyhum777 at animediet. My Twitter is rayyhum777 at twitter.

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