From The Diet 3 daily (formally known as ) –
Fukuda easily defeats Aso in party election
Sept. 25th, Tokyo 3. Yasuo Fukuda, who’s know for his moderate stance, won the leadership election of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party over nationalistic manga fan Tarō Asō on September 23. This means Fukuda has a good chance of becoming the next prime minister of Japan.
Although Asō was respected by anime fans worldwide and appreciated by Otaku in Japan for his statement: “Hey, I’m an Otaku, so I want everyone to fit in my world. Some may call that ‘Nationalistic’, I just call that ‘serve my desires or I’ll send Shinku to curse you before Golgo 13 takes your ass out. Get it? Oh hohohohohoho…” However, it seemed that some high ups in the government did not think his nationalistic stance sits well in today’s Japan, which unlike in the Tokugawa Shogunate era, has relationship ties with its neighboring countries.
Our sources discovered that he was forcefully removed at a nationalist rally by some members of Section 9 – Motoko K, Batou, and Togusa (we haven’t bee able to confirm the names of these people). Apparently his cyber brain was not hacked in, but he was taken some undisclosed location.
We have tried to contact Tarō Asō but he appears to be missing at the moment.
Having studied the patterns of Section 9, we are not entirely surprised at the outcome of the party election.