Our winner finally received the prize!



Our winner, Amaya-san has received her prize! Once again, congratulations for being the 500th commenter, and also a big thank you to everyone for visiting and commenting!


For the actual announcement see here: https://animediet.net/archives/711

Author: Ray

I'm a hardcore Anime Fan and I'm proud of it. I know so many things and I've acquired so much knowledge you wouldn't believe. But my love is anime. I've been drifting in this world for so long that I don't even know what an anchor means. I've seen so many shows that I've lost count. The only thing I'm sure of myself is that I care for the lowly and disenfranchised. I hate the rich and powerful and I love what I do, or what I can do. I like anime and I don't mind watching different types of shows. I have experience in different types of Japanese animation. I would be called an "expert" in a bizzaro world. One day, I'd like to start a revolution. I love the US, pizza, beer, sashimi, Chinese food, and steak. But I love freshly baked bread more than a well-aged steak. In reality, if I were born Japanese I'd be a real, hardcore Otaku. I love to love and I can hate strongly. I'm passionate in nature and I don't mind shedding tears. I can be reached at rayyhum777 at animediet. My Twitter is rayyhum777 at twitter.

2 thoughts on “Our winner finally received the prize!

  1. *bows*
    Arigato Gozaimasu!!!
    Well I started watching it but got interrumpted by various disturbances and finely unable to concertrate got irritated, chased my cousin with my Naginata and went to meditate somewhere… So it’s still on my things too do list but I can say that I’ve never seen a line that long o_o; And it’s interesting to hear other Otakus share their opinion on AX. Oh and those guys who said they were there just to ‘relax’ I’m pretty sure are perverts with a roleplay fettish yup -nods nods-
    Well then I’ll comment back when I done watching it (and Macs rulez!!!)

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