Dear faithful readers of me, I know I have not posted the latest retraction for my prejudiced first impressions or my continual gushing of sappy drama in Clannad or Blue Drop in a good number of days. It’s just the middle of the school quarter, that’s all. Fortunately, this is not a long hiatus, and there will be no Vault posts–I’ll be much freer by Wednesday. In the near future, look for:
- Anime Diet Radio Episode 14
- Art and Soul 3 (my audio column about anime and religion)
- Clannad 3
- Kimikiss 3
- Minami-ke 2
And my first impressions posts of
Also, there are some very exciting additions that more likely than not are coming to this website, some as early as this week, which will significantly expand our coverage and give you a bigger variety of things to enjoy. Can’t say and can’t give details till everything is ironed out, and not everything is 100% certain yet, but let’s just say we could be on the cusp of even greater greatyness than ever before, and your eyes will never be the same again. 🙂 Stay tuned to this Bat channel!
My ISP hates Gmail today for some reason, so I thought I’d just let you know here that I received your DVD yesterday, Mike. Looking forward to see what you’ve got in store for us!
Congratulations on receiving the DVD! Enjoy and please do try to cosplay as Haruhi…I mean please don’t try it at home. XD