Thus far, thanks to all of you readers and listeners, my work with Anime Diet has helped me get two paying jobs. One is my current job as a web designer/administrator at a local company. The other is what I’m about to describe to you, and I think it’s relevant enough to post about here because it affects you! Read on if you are interested.
Recently, I’ve become editor of another exciting venture: the anime and manga channel of a brand new project, Dailysite! The basic idea is simple–every day, I choose one or more interesting anime/manga related news items, videos, or blog posts that I think are worth highlighting. As you can see if you go to the channel now, I’ve been at it for some time already. I write short blurbs and provide links to the various sites.
However, it’s not just a link list ala Digg, and it’s definitely not a splog. For one, I handpick each link if I think it’s worth highlighting; it’s human-based, not a bot. Second, it doesn’t steal traffic from you if you’re a blogger who’s featured–it actually delivers traffic to you.
How? It’s because the real heart of Dailysite happens when a user makes the channel–this link in my case–his or her startup page in the browser. You can do that with the link, or find the instructions by clicking on this button on my channel:
Doing that will first take you to my blurb about the site of the day, and then automatically redirects to the featured website. So if I picked one of your blog entries, anyone who’s made the Dailysite channel his or her homepage will automatically be driven to your article for that day. Once Dailysite has a significant readership, that’ll give you more readers. Think of it as a more human-controlled version of Google’s “I’m Feeling Lucky” feature, but just for anime and with handpicked results.
So–I’m on the lookout for great articles that I can highlight. If you think you have something you want featured, you can contact me, though I’ll be reading around to find stuff as well. I’ll always let you know if I choose your work, and you’re free to decline as well. And if you’re not a blogger and are interested in seeing what I think are worthy anime articles each day, make your browser startup page. It’s not intended to replace the aggregators or an RSS reader–a daily surprise is what it’s all about. 🙂
Thanks for putting up with my spiel, everyone. It’s in part because of you that I’ve been able to be a part of this. We now return to our regularly scheduled blog and podcast.
Insta-Bookmark ^^bb
Dude, this might work. Using it I found two interesting sites in 15 secs.
Omisyth: thanks! Tell all your friends! Make it your home page! Give me more moneeeeeeey 🙂
Rah’ra: glad to be of service. It’s what I’m here for.
Congrats on this new venture…. 🙂
Shared and ‘marked. A feed would be nice, by the way.
Toonleap: thanks!
Owen: right now there isn’t a RSS feed, I know. I can suggest that; I’ve already made design suggestions. Soon the channel pag will look more “anime-ish.” But thanks!
Interesting. It’s like an aggregator.