Category: Reviews

Posted in Anime Reviews

Megadere (護くんに女神の祝福を!) Episode details/thoughts

(space__________Space) So, again since I’ve got some time, and some people seems to be curious about Megadere, I’ll go ahead and start blogging about it….

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Les Miserables – Shoujo Cosette 2

Impressions This shot echoes the famous picture of Cosette from the original edition of the novel, which also became the iconic picture for the musical….

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Nodame Cantabile 4-5

Nodame “persuading” Chiaki not to change majors in her own special way. Impressions Hooray, the show is funny again! I felt that episodes 2 and…

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora 7

Since it’s Chinese New Year (or maybe it should be changed to Taiwanese New Year…sorry, local politics), and I’ve got some time, I’ll do the…

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Les Miserables – Shoujo Cosette 1

Impressions Say what? Yet another version of Les Miserables, and it's actually the second time it's been done as an anime? This series caught my…

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Nodame Cantabile 1

Note: I have decided not to do plot summaries for the time being. They take me too long to do, and I have a lot…

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