Category: Reviews

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Through Older Lenses: Prefectural Earth Defense Force (1986)

Meanwhile, at Hazama Medical University Hospital.. Ever have one of those bad hospital experiences? The kind that shake your faith in the medical establishment, and…

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Posted in Manga Reviews Reviews

Inside Mari: A Partial Review

Gendomike was enthralled by Shuzo Oshimi (The Flowers of Evil)’s latest ongoing manga, Inside Mari, which is more than it appears to be at first. Read on to see what he thinks of the story so far.

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Jojoisticality of 80s

Jojo part 3 is totally 80s, pre-bubble economy, in the middle of Seiko-chan boom.

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Punipuni upper arms, heavenly skinship ever!

Punipuni upper arms is best skinship ever! Punipunipunipuni!

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Posted in Anime Reviews News

Kill la Kill FINAL : A Farewell To Uniformity

Well there’s a feeling I haven’t experienced in an age. Looking back at the first piece I slapped together regarding Studio Trigger’s initial leap into…

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Posted in Anime Reviews News

Kill la Kill: A Final Stretch (Beyond Gainax)

Twists at breakneck speeds, revelations abound, and allegiances reversed. There seems to be no stopping the heartpounding freight train that is Kill La Kill’s final…

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