Category: News

Posting some news and commenting on them.

Posted in News

Memoriam of Yoshizawa Akira: Grandmaster of Origami

Yoshizawa Akira would have been 101 years old today, if he was still living. He is credited with popularizing and introducing to the world the…

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Posted in Editorials News

Plight of mangaka-avoidance of deadlines.

Something to be commended.. is the enthusiasm for mangaka to continue on drawing, due to a love/passion for their craft. Like a geisha perfecting their…

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Posted in Editorials News

Compensated Dating in the USA

As part of a series on getting by with little money, Business Insider ran an article detailing how a Manhattan twenty-something uses dating website…

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Posted in Anime Reviews News Uncategorized

Bridging The Gap: The Value Of Penguindrum (An Ode To Change)

Well there was no real way this post could be avoided. After finishing this series and realizing that there was little to no way this…

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Posted in News

Phoenix Wright Live Action Movie – Objection??!!!

A look at the upcoming, Takashi Miike directed “Phoenix Wright” movie and its just-released trailer.

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Posted in Editorials News

Embracing The Fear: The End Of An Industry

Ready for something truly scary? For a long time, I had been formulating thoughts on the state of the industry, as well as what is…

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