Category: News
Posting some news and commenting on them.
Bridging The Gap: 30 Years Of Macross, 7 Hours Of Love
Taking a most unusual detour from its previous home at UCLA, I took a short trip from home to spend a few hours as part…
Bridging The Gap Special: Yamato 2199 Bursts With Grandeur & Promise
This last weekend marked the 38th anniversary of the day Uchu Senkan Yamato launched onto Japanese TV screens, ushering in a new era for…
Through Older Lenses: Wicked City (Yoju Toshi, 1987)
The wedges forged between us is at the very core of conflict, the very thing that often is the source of artistic inspiration. And…
RahXephon: Ten Years Later
And so an unprecedented little thing came to a satisfying conclusion ten years ago today. Even when it was by no means a…
Kotono Mitsuishi: not confirmed yet as Usagi in Sailor Moon (2013)
Kotono Mitsuishi has not yet confirmed whether she will be Usagi in the upcoming Sailor Moon remake next year. Find out why we believe this is so.
Bridging The Gap: Anticipation 2012
Wintermuted discusses what he’s really looking forward to for 2012: a revival of Yamato, the new work by Cowboy Bebop director Shinichiro Watanabe, some upcoming feature films, and more!