Tag: review
Midpoint Review: Kimi ni Todoke
See my first Midpoint Review of Nyan Koi! here. It’s taken 13 episodes for Sawako to realize that what she’s feeling is love. Why so…
First Look Fair: Sora no Woto
This is more than just a K-ON! knockoff. The show’s promise lies in its setting and backstory, which itself isn’t too original but is not…
Bra~Chu Bra!!
I’m going to stop being a hypocrite and just admit it: I enjoyed the first episode. Not only the characters are quirky and holds my…
Midpoint Review: Nyan Koi
The first of two midpoint reviews. The second will be about Kimi ni Todoke. Nyan Koi was one of the low-key surprises of the past…
Review: Kara no Kyoukai 7 – 空の境界7 - The beauty in normalcy
I sat silently for a while after watching the last installment of Kara no Kyoukai (空の境界: The Garden of Sinners). Sometimes, I gazed at the…
Review: Queen’s Blade s2 08 – really, it’s more worth than its looks.
I kept on noticing that the music actually puts a chill up my spine every time something dramatic happens (a nice pair of Sennheiser helps,…