Tag: philosophy
What if I had never gotten into anime?
Ray gives a heartfelt confession of what anime, fandom, and God has meant to him over the years. Another entry in the “Diary of an Anime Lived” series.
Madoka’s Magical Realism
If anything in the universe lends itself to broad, shamanic principles, it is surely entropy. Broken glass, spilled milk, and toppled stacks of books are…
Panty and Stocking: Broken Heroes
It should be a series filled with horrible angst. Panty and Stocking – named for the artifacts they bear – are outcast angels, unable to…
Strike Witches 2 – The Pantsless Dream
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi We live, as the Chinese would have it, in interesting…
Want to cross-dress! Henjo-nyoshi!
Here’s a Japanese to English translation of the article: Warning: broken English as crappy as Arnold.
Let’s Bible One-Shot: The Moe of Christ
Suffering is moe. Crucified on the cross, Jesus Christ knew profound suffering. Therefore, Jesus Christ is profoundly moe. This, along with a few other propositions…