Tag: Macross Frontier
Bridging The Gap: 30 Years Of Macross, 7 Hours Of Love
Taking a most unusual detour from its previous home at UCLA, I took a short trip from home to spend a few hours as part…
Anime Expo 2012: Tatsuo Sato Interview
At long last—our private interview with Tatsuo Sato, which in many ways is really part 2 of the conversation that began with the press conference beforehand. Hear his thoughts on whether Madoka’s “Maru!” catchphrase was intentionally patterned off of Ranka’s “Kira!”, what films inspired him to go into visual arts, and more.
Things Just Happen – IN SPAAACE! (The Macross Frontier Features)
As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. So when it comes to celebrating a quarter century-plus of one of animedom’s most iconic creations, what can…
May’N Live Concert at Anime Expo 2010–Video Excerpt
May’N in Concert (Excerpt) – Anime Expo 2010 from Anime Diet on Vimeo. May’N did a concert at Anime Expo 2010 this year, along with…
Macross F concert: May’N & Megumi Nakajima
I had an ecstasy of St. Teresa at May’N and Megumi Nakajima concert.
May’n Interview – AX 2010 Press Junket (Subtitled)
May’n Interview – AX 2010 Press Junket from Anime Diet on Vimeo. Here’s one of our biggest interviews–with May’n, the singing voice of Sheryl Nome…