Tag: anime

Posted in Anime Reviews

Genshiken, Then and Now: A Reflection

The new season of Genshiken is out. Ray loved the original season and reflects on how the show—and his life—has changed since it first came out.

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Posted in Anime Reviews

Épater L’Otakusie! Meditations on Aku no Hana’s Aggressive “Ugliness”

Why is Aku no Hana so damn ugly? That you even think that way means you fell into their trap.

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Posted in Anime Reviews Chuunibyou Diary of an Anime Lived Editorials

“But To Be Chuunibyou Was Very Heaven!”: A Memoir of Art and Embarassment

Another reminisce of gendomike’s teenage years: those foolish, imagination-soaked days of late middle school and high school, when a king named Sareth Darva Arakin Tanera ruled Andor and started showing up online. Oh, and some parallels to the recent anime Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai.

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Posted in Anime Reviews Reviews

Psycho Pass – an emotional and joyful moment for Cyberpunk fans…Eh?

I wrote about my thoughts on Cyberpunk in a paper back in 2007! https://animediet.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/cyberpunk-anime.doc , and I must say, I’ve become much dumber and can’t…

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Posted in Anime Reviews Editorials

Psycho-Pass: Where Does Criminality Come From?

Why do people commit crimes? What makes people “good” to begin with, and are some people just born to be “bad”? The debate is as…

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Posted in Anime Reviews Podcasts Reviews

Fall 2012 Anime Audio Preview

Ray and gendomike look over a chart of the new season on (virtual) tape. And propose a PSY anime while they’re at it.

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