That the pacing would work. Oh yeah, through the eye of this anime veteran, the pacing in this episode worked out just fine. Not only that, but they didn’t have too many commentaries on the side. When they shifted the view to a character outside of the ring, it’s usually because something important is going to happen.
This show maintains its high quality of drawing of female’s bodies and for you GAR loving girls out there, a well portioned body of Cattleya’s husband. But I’ll save that for later.
Most of us don’t like a character that preaches or shouts out silly one-liners all the time. However, Alleyne simply makes me smile. I guess yeah, it is because she’s actually freaking hot underneath that cape and that hat. She’s also a bad ass and fights just as well as she evaluates others’ fighting performance. An harsh sounding elf girl with some smarts and that body, she is definitely the focus of this episode. as faps are heard around the world, she fights her way to a near victory, but alas, silly butt naked Nowa loses the day for both of them.
I don’t really hate Nowa for it, however, because after all, she wears thick socks and is butt naked, not to mention she is a really inexperienced fighter not in the main plot. It’s no wonder that she’d lose! But that cute butt is a nice enough compensation.
Echidna is her usual sex-predator self, thirsting and teasing Nowa and that was intense. But the best part was the fighting animation. The people drew the stuff really put a lot of thoughts into weapon movements and clashes and all.
The script writers really did they job with pacing. As the fight between Alleyne & Nowa VS Echidna and Irma ends (with Irma acting like a tsundere), the plot goes on and thickens a little. But of course, because this is Enter the Dragon, female warrior edition, we come to more battles, this time featuring our main character, Reina/Leina VS Ymir, as well as some of our favorites, Cattleya VS Airi.
I personally find Lana not as necessary, but for a kid character, he’s not annoying, because he doesn’t say a lot! I think that’s a huge plus since I don’t like kids.Also, some people needs to see a strong mom-character with a pet shota. That’s just how it goes.
With some ties and entanglements played out, we come to the fights that aren’t really significant…Or are they? Perhaps Airi knows something about the whereabouts of Cattleya’s husband and maybe Reina, who holds the sword forged by Cattleya’s husband, will have some bones to pick with Ymir, or rather, the opposite is true.
In any case, I’m surprised the pacing and drama played out well enough despite being a fighting season. So much so that I watched the episode twice despite the low level of fan service!
Additional notes: How can you NOT love Kugimi’s show stopper singing performance? Mellow mellow!