Summary by Negishi: well, our wonderful and ever loving koibito tachi is going to face another crisis again, but somehow I believe that these two wonderful love birds will remember their bonds in Otaku-dom…
It’s Haruka’s birthday! It’s star bright and magnificent times as Yuuto-san buys a surprisingly appropriate gift for Haruka, but oh no! Look, there’s some arrogant rich guy who thinks he’s got so much talent that he can take Aikawa-san…Ahem, I mean, Nogizaka-san away from our beloved hero! Oh no, I’m so excited, what will our hero do?
Thoughts by Negishi: Oh my, this is so wonderful! Two beautiful lovers that danced the night away in last episode, is going to have a party on a private island! So trendy! So wonderful! So magnificent! I wish I were there to join them and have a ball! It’s just so nice that Yuuto is finally going to show his love to Haruka! I’ll be I could spice up the occasion a little with my Swedish Pop-style songs…Sweets, Sweets my lover!
But what’s this? Oh no a rich guy is coming to try to steal Haruka away! Looks like he thinks he’s more talented and more powerful than anyone else, hmm…
I think I’m going to hide inside his gifts as a penis head!
Oh my, why did I just say that? Anyway, Yuuto is discouraged, oh no! Hang in there, Yuuto! Don’t let that guy take Haruka’s heart away! Fighto!
I wish I was playing a trendy song there…I could really make the atmosphere great…
(Or I could make all these fuckers into sex slaves!)
What? What was that? Oh, fuck I got into Krauser character again!
[Disclaimer: the above comedy bits are inspired by Detroit Metal City and does not in anyway, represent real life, events, actions, behaviors, and other things.]