Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. My bias is on and I’m all for this show. The tension between the cats women duking it out with weapons and their haughty attitudes is just unbearable! Man, I’ll bet that if girls in all female schools had these kind of power and weapons, they’d fight just as fierce and harsh, too. Gentelmen, here’s a thing about women’s cirlces – they’re tight, scary competitive, and sharp. Oh yeah.
Well, Satellizer loses to Garnessa, and of course, as a good shonen sennan plot, Garness goes to her and boasts. Hey, which girl with any pride would turn down a good fight, especially when the girls all have proper manly weapons? Really? Verbal conflict? NAH! I’m sure women get fucking pissed off and wish they had the power to wield large weapons, which is why Dynasty Warriors are very popular among women in Japan! I mean after all, women just don’t have that much fighting power and therefore, it must feel good to be able to wield hugh blades, eh? What, they’re humans, too! Large guns and big blades really CAN ensure safety and even knockout some annoying fuckers, right?
All right, all that speculations aside, the conflicts are basic shonen stuff but is well done. The fight scene is good and the women ended up being naked after the fights helps a lot too. The male protagnonist is actually more annoying than in the manga because in the show, he managed to put his hand on Satellizer (I’m gonna call her Sate-Ma-chan as a combination of Satellizer and Mamiko) too many times. Yes, we get the point. Sate-ma-chan is OK with you touching her. Fine, fine, fine. But Hezus, before I was aware of it, the episode ended and I’m glad that I was having beer with it.The show reall grabbed my attention because it was fun without being shitty low-brow!
No, I won’t pretend that there’s sophistication in this show, but no, I actually don’t see it as an equivolent of a third rate movie, either. Because the voice acting and the animation skills as well as the magification of women’s conflict in women’s circles is realistc (what the fuck does me, a man, know) seems realistic to me. I’m biased because I enjoy the manga at least untli the recent volume, and I like the pacing, the action, and the realistic (?) portrayal of women’s competitiveness.
A+++ and no pistol salutes needed.