Man, Amagami SS Episode 13! How audacious!
I’ve been down since the arc of Nakata Sae is over. I couldn’t watch any anime for a while because of that. But I gave a try on Episode 13 of Amagami, just to see how it’s going after Sae-chan left the scene. But, oh my gosh, this girl, Kaoru…what a delightful pervert she is! Ah, I wish girls were more perverted like her. More H!

Darn it! Ambush attack. Today’s Godhand. I mean Goddesshand! Mas Oyama would be dancing in his grave.

Yeah, butt touching should be just a greeting. Yes, it’s just a little Hello Goodbye. Every girl should learn from her.

Do you know why this world has been really cruel, making me suicidal living in the 3-D world? Because no girl ever tried to grope me! No physical interaction whatsoever. What a miserable high school life I had! I mean, I’m not asking for groping, but just a little skinship would have saved me. Then, I would never have come to America. And I would never have escaped to the 2-D world!
Come on! It’s just a tapping on the butt. I’m not even asking for grinding. Do girls feel like they’re committing a grave crime by touching a boy’s butt? Are they afraid of getting restraining order, fingerprinted as a sex offender, and the worst, life in prison for groping? They’re deadly wrong. Nobody, I mean, NO BOY will press charge against you! So, take some courage. Show me your courage! Show me your Audacity To Grope!
Yes, Kaoru, ahh, Kaoru… Please grope my butt. I will never report you. I won’t demand restraining order. You’re free to do whatever you want. This is America, the land of free. I always welcome your little pranks with open arms.
I wish some girl would ambush me with butt touching, and when I turn my head and scream, “What the hell are you doing!?” I hope she answers, “Oh, this is just a greeting in America” like Kiss x Sis. How awesome would that be! Then, I can be a patriot! Amagami SS is surely more patriotic than Mel Gibson’s Patriot.
But anyway, from Episode 13, the new arc has started. The girl of the arc is Nanasaki Ai, voiced by legendary Yukana! Yes, the seiyuu for Captain Tessa! My moetical girl!
Nanasaki is an extremely insolent kohai. But, she also does Kamikaze attack! Yes, flashing that under her skirt! But it’s a fake kamikaze attack, since it’s not a pantie, but a swimsuit. Ahh, what a mischievous girl! But she surely is audacious. Yes, she got audacity! Yes, Nanasaki and Kaoru are surely the new Hannah of our moetical era.

Feminist movement is all about girls taking the initiative. Leadership is required for females today, so take the initiative. Yes, show your patriotism! Groping is the greatest form of patriotism indeed. It will revive the whole community that has been dead for a long time. Everywhere in America is like a ghost town. We’ve been broken, alienated from each other. But by groping, we can take back the America we truly love! That’s how we revive the Sun!
Personally I truly believed in change planned out in The Audacity Of Hope. But that turned out to be otherwise. But now, through Amagami, I found new patriotism, new hope, new change I can believe in, which can fundamentally transform America, and finally save myself from the skinshipless life! Real American progress. Real frontier spirit. And that is The Audacity Of Grope!
Ha ha!! The Audacity of Grope comment had me Rofl’ing for a good couple minutes! Glad to see you’re back into the show, though. I, also, hope that Nanasaki’s arc will be as enjoyable as it appears at first glance.
Thank you for the comment as always! Yeah, farewell to Sae-chan’s arc left me in the dark…
Yes, I hope so too. Nanasaki is very different, athletic, but doesn’t talk that much, and a younger student with the attitude. But, she likes to poke prank on Junichi, so we shall see…