Unofficial Set List for Monkey Majik/Yoshida Brothers NYC concert

Okay this is a place marker, and an intention to post up somewhere my precious fan memories of this concert.. I am unsure of if there is going to be a public confirmation of the New York setlist, and I wasn’t at this venue as official press, but I am still marching on forth with recapping for people not there.

For the Yoshida Brothers, I am very very sure my ears picked up this:


Though I can safely say I heard about six to seven songs were played, before Monkey Majik came on.

Now for the Monkey Majik part, my ears picked out these songs. Comments and criticism welcome for if my ears are deceiving me.

This list is seriously not in order:

Around the World

Encore: Change

Author: Linda

Linda is a life long fan of anime, and dabbles in a lot of things. She writes with a tentative neutral voice.. and as for that three year anime blogging mark, she tries to defy that as she is gaining a voice in other mediums ie: Twitter. Find her at other places online. "They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." -Terry Pratchett

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