The Summit on Anime in North America (SANA) is a one day event in Denver where experts on the anime industry are gathering to talk about anime’s popularity in North America. Representatives from the Japanese consulate are here as well to receive feedback. The event is hosted by the parent organization of Denver’s large anime convention, Nan Desu Kan.
This liveblog is a record of the morning sessions, which include welcoming remarks and presentations by Dr. Alisa Freedman, Christopher Bevins/Sarah Sullivan, and Kevin McKeever.
@gendomike The choice of Doraemon is interesting, since he’s relatively unknown in the West (esp. given how omnipresent he is in Japan.)
@gendomike I did, hoping to play Pokemon Yellow early. 🙂
@gendomike most people i know personally are like that too (though not necessarily to TL, more just as fans). though some take for business.
@gendomike That was definitely the case for me. One of my favorite parts of the medium.
@gendomike Hmmmmmmmmmm.
@gendomike are those worldwide numbers or NA? Are the latter figures for all cartoons, or just anime?
@gendomike Haha, I’ve heard about that.