The Summit on Anime in North America (SANA) is a one day event in Denver where experts on the anime industry are gathering to talk about anime’s popularity in North America. Representatives from the Japanese consulate are here as well to receive feedback. The event is hosted by the parent organization of Denver’s large anime convention, Nan Desu Kan.
This liveblog is a record of the afternoon sessions, which include presentations by Kevin McKeever of Harmony Gold, Jerry Beck, and a roundtable discussion with everyone on board.
@gendomike any photo?
@gendomike you’ll be #3 in line!
@gendomike well yeah, Dance in the Vampire Bund REALLY treaded those lines.
@gendomike thanks for all your tweets 🙂
@gendomike And thank you, once again, for the live-blogging. Always appreciated.
@gendomike You are awesome. Been away for a bit, but I’ll peruse everything later tonight. Thanks!!
@gendomike “no cuts” *sound of katana being unsheathed*
Really cool! You have been in everywhere, ubiquitous, Japan, Taiwan, then Colorado! Are you trying to be like Madoka?