We got our press passes and permission to interview Yukana yesterday, the first day of PMX! We also have a good chance of scoring a private interview with the director (Hiroyuki Tanaka) and character designer (Takahiro Umehara) of Claymore on Sunday, and we’d like to know if there’s anything you Claymore fans out there would like us to ask them. (We know you’re out there. Don’t hold back on us. :)) I have a few questions myself.
Leave your suggestions here in the comment section of this post. Thanks!
Ask Yukana how many producers she has slept with?
What about season 2? When will it come? Will it have its own storyline?
-To what extent (if any) was the original creator, Norihiro Yagi, involved in the anime?
-What was involved and how was it decided to go with an anime original ending?
-Are there any things that they wish they could have included or changed about the anime but couldn’t because of various restraints or limitations?
-What were the greatest difficulties they faced with adapting the manga into an anime?
-Who is their favorite character from Claymore and what was their favorite episode or story arc?
Why did the animation suck so much?
OK, more serious question. Did they feel they were able to accomplish what they wanted to do with Claymore?
I went to the claymore panel yesterday at PMX, and talked directly with the director, Tanaka-san and character designer, Umehara-san for quite a bit. Here’re some brief info.
Tanaka-san said he only met with the original mangaka, Yagi-san for only one time. So Yagi-san didn’t involve much in the anime production, but Tanaka-san still has to get approval on certain things from Yagi-san. For example, they originally planned to have various color armors for different claymore warriors, so it is more easier to identify by the fans…imagining like Saint Seiya, but Yagi-san rejected the idea 🙂 The town setting has been altered quite a bit from the manga to make it more interesting, and the fan response has been great so far in Japan.
The director knew he would upset some Claymore fans by changing the last few episodes, but he has to change it in order to wrap up the story for the anime version. Especially many viewers who watching the anime have never read the manga before. They haven’t planned on the sequel yet, they said they may do it if there is enough fan support and financial success (like DVD sales and overseas distribution).
The animation is mostly done in Korea by DR Movie studio, Umehara-san has to live in Korea for many months there to work with the korean staffs. Tanaka-san said there were some slight cultural differences and language barriers, but he is happy with the results and animation quality by the korean staffs. Umehara-san said he wanted to make his character designs closely to the manga, he has some difficulties in designing the Awakened Beings.
Thanks Bebobo, I heard most of the same things since I was at the panel as well. (I also went to the press conference, which was just us and one other person.) I will be publishing transcripts of the interviews that I had with Yukana and the Claymore staff soon.
I really hope that they will decide to make a second season for Claymore since it is an excelent anime.I for one have never seen anything better.It would really be a pity if they don’t continue it.
M8 i need to tell you something , anime is great but there are things that need fix.
Every m8 in world likes anime more then manga .
Know why …….. REAL MANGA COSTS 5.5 – 12 e , ANIME COSTS 0 ….. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont say that manga cant be downloaded but its more fun if you have it in your hands.
First they make 26 epizodes …….. you watch and then they stop making .
That is ugly trick ………. people whant to know the end and then they buy manga.
(Lol) you dont have to know ho gets your money !!!!!!!!!
Sr for bad language .
I was wondering if you could get me an interview so I can talk to then face to face? I know that no one really knows me but I know for a fact that I can get him to reconsider the show !I really want to be involved in all this !! If you cant get me that interview tall me something I can do in my community or just something to do so I can help !!