Anime Diet interviews the J-rock band Nirgilis at Anime Expo 2011’s press junket! We talk to them about their music, magical girls, herbivore men, and more. Nirgilis is perhaps best known as the artists behind the ED to “Deadman Wonderland,” one of the EDs to “Eureka 7” as well as the newer “Birdy the Mighty Decode” series.

Nirgilis are Acchu (vocals, keyboards), Yuki (rhythm, programming), and Minoru (bass, programming, DJ). Transcript follows the break.
Q: I believe you were here in 2008 in Houston. Would this actually be your second time in the States?
Acchu, Yuki: It’s our third time. Last year we went to Dallas….It was for AnimeFest. For the event we rented a hotel.
Q: Is there anything you’re excited to see in LA besides Anime Expo?
Acchu: There’s shopping… Other than that, check out something Hollywood or movie related. It’s not absolute, but if we have the chance we’d like to go.
Q: Rodeo Drive?
Acchu: That sounds fantastic.
Q: For our readers who may not know you, can you describe your music for them?
Acchu: We are… Nirgilis is a group that takes different cultures and music and blends them together in a pop style for fun. At the moment, we’re doing a lot of mash ups using content from anime, so we hope that everyone can enjoy that. Our style is similar live.
Q: Is there a particular anime, or type of anime, that influences you?
Minoru: as in influential anime songs?
Acchu: Personally, I like magical girl shows, or shows where they use magic. So…
I could see you as a magical girl.
Acchu: I look like one? (Laughter) I’ll cast a spell on you!
Don’t turn me into a magical girl!
Acchu: Turn him into one? (She laughs again.) Yes.
Q: What is your method for composing or deciding what contributions to use, or not to use, in a song?
Yuki: One person comes up with the song, then someone else might insert a phrase, and if we’re satisfied we move on to another phrase where someone might add in something. Overall, the three of us judge together.
Acchu: We do it in presentations. If possible, we each try to come up with a song, and then we decide democratically if what’s. That’s how we pick good songs.
Q: So it’s like you’re musical chefs, throwing in your own flavor into everything.
Yep, that’s right. It’s very experimental.
(Points to Yuki) Sweet. (Points to Acchu) Spicy. (Points to Minoru)….Sour?
Acchu, pointing to Minoru: Sweet! (Points to herself) Spicy. (Then Yuki) Spicy. [Minoru’s] the sweetest.
Q: So all the girls really like a sweet guy, right?
Well, we’re too powerful. We’re carnivores and he’s an herbivore.
Rome: By the way, they know the words soushokukei and nikushokukei.
Rome: Yes, when talking about guys. I myself am herbivorous (soushokukei). I’m scared of you ladies.
Q: How did you all become involved in the group?
Minoru: First of all, neither of the original members are here anymore. (Yuki) Out of us Acchu was the first to join.
Acchu: The two of them joined afterwards.
Yuki: Why did you join, Acchan?
Acchu: Me?
Yuki: Yes, your start.
Acchu: Well, originally there was no leader. You see, the band wasn’t about how good you were at playing, but about… brain power. The group members were all about coming up with things to mix up. I thought that was really interesting. It’s no different now, and this concept is what we’ve inhereted. No matter what type of music we mash up, it all comes out as pop. At the moment, that’s the role I’ve inherited. Sort of abritrarily. It’s the same now as before, so I think it’s one of our appeal.
Thank you very much. We’re excited for you…and may I say, you’re all very beautiful, including this guy here.
Acchu: Stop flattering us! Is it because I cast my magic? So they complement us.
Wow. This actually came out very well. Great job editing Mike and on the translation Tony. 🙂